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- Andrea Camilleri [Inspector Montalbano Mysteries 01] The Shape of Water (v5.0)
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- ZiemiaśÂ„ski Andrzej Wojny urojone
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After that? Three star-crossed rainbows in heaven?
The End?
Maybe the power will go off. Release locks. Find electrician. He s in
Jericho. Enzo s already put in a monster backup. Go on forever. Like that
movie. Awful. With Jack
Love Has No Boundaries: OIL AND WATER by Goesta Struve-Dencher 57
Jack maybe Jill.
Love Has No Boundaries: OIL AND WATER by Goesta Struve-Dencher 58
[Five second fade up on: A hard, naked Enzo tightly hugging a limp, dazed
Oh no, not again.
I m dead, sure, that s it. Stuck in Pure buggery-gatery.
Bill, that s it, Bill Murray. Stuck in Punks-a-tawny.
Such foresight, packing my eternal intended. No getting bored, having
Precious here with me. But am definitely getting& whoopsy, look at you
all shiny and
Oh no, not
Astoundingly, yes. And no, not at all. Jericho really had fainted and
fortuitously collapsed into the arms of his closely hovering friend, who had
caught him before Jericho could do some more brain damage to himself.
Caro! Carissimo! Sorbole!& Così. Va bene così. Va bene. Sì. Okay?
Jericho was finally coming to. (Not dead, ha.) He opened his eyes. (My
saviour.) Enzo beamed back at him. Jericho desperately tried to speak. It was
incredibly important.
I love you Enzo. I tried everything else but nothing went right. Ergo,
quid, quo, this must be so.
Yeah, okay, barely a mumble, but he did manage a sliver of a smile.
Through pure force of will, he moved the inch he needed to kiss Enzo, and
fervently hoped he was about to prove, to both of them, that he truly loved the
Enzo clapped and bounced.
I thought that was pretty good, all things considered. But wow.
You see now, yes, he grinned, nobody know how we do, where we do,
but we do, we do again and again, all three of them, you are amazing, I know
it, but it will work more better even!
Sure Enzo. Whatever you want. I m happy, if you re happy too.
Love Has No Boundaries: OIL AND WATER by Goesta Struve-Dencher 59
Gonna need a new name. New Josh puts paid to old Jericho, I guess. No
more surfin hot-waxed leggy boards. Is Josh an okay gay name? Waves
of hot steaming cum on my legs instead. How about Rico? Forget it, no
more waxing. I could pass for Latino. Of course we shouldn t. Hell, I used
to pass for straight. We re real men. Massive gay dudes. Wouldn t have to
catch the waves anymore. Nothing to prove. They d be aimed right at me.
Perfect. All play and no work. Coconut milk baths. Nice. And so
Jericho managed to whisper, Cause I won t be able to move a muscle,
kiddo. Sheesh.
But yes, of course you will! Enzo chortled, shaking his head in
amusement. You are our friend, Shericcoh, big strong friend, you will make
the& the effort, for us, for your team, carissimo! Enzo was jumping up and
down with glee.
So much innocence. So beautiful. He has no idea. So happy. My perfect
sunshiny love. All because he figured out how to make me love him.
Woulda figgered it myself, sooner or later. How couldn t I?
Sweetest kid in the whole world. Just for me. Don t deserve. But thanks,
Big Guy.
Way too damn happy. Not over this. Threesome. Sugar-plum visions of
enchanted fairies. Not sex slaves. Not Enzo. Wouldn t ever. We re his
You great big dumb-ass worthless piece of arrogant wannabe prick shit,
E.n.z.o. F.r.i.e.n.d. N.o.t. M.o.n.s.t.e.r.
Things were becoming much clearer. (Can spell too. Loads of hidden
talents.) And horribly disconcerting for poor Jericho.
He s not really after me. I m not the love of his life. Shit. What am I
supposed to do now? All by my lonesome again? Fuck around like before?
Fuck, no way man! Slit my wrists first.
Love Has No Boundaries: OIL AND WATER by Goesta Struve-Dencher 60
Hold it. Wrong train of thought. Not helping. Focus. On Enzo. What s
he really saying?
A lot of work, I know, but together we can& handle& the three big, coso,
the& tubes maybe, three giant tubes, yes. We finish by& three days, four
most, and after you can& relax yourself again.
Love Has No Boundaries: OIL AND WATER by Goesta Struve-Dencher 61
[Scene: Exterior, vast ocean, bright day, POV Jericho, still underwater,
struggling to reach the undulating surface from below ]
Dives up, up towards the bright light, desperately striving for Enzo, his
blazing sun, warm loving energy drawing him up, towards Life. Far beneath
Jericho, the deep, dark, cold Past. Fear. His heart s oblivion. But above him in
the sky, Enzo is beckoning, guiding the prodigal soul back into their beautiful
world. One final great thrust of his powerful legs, and Jericho breaks the
surface. All becomes as clear as the crystal blue elements surrounding them.
They are flying now, it looks like, as&
[Camera pulls up and circles them, going wide, centred on the two together,
in each other s arms, splashing and paddling far below like happily grinning
young boys on their endless summer vacation.]
The proof of their true love at hand each other, united such joy and
relief, beneath hot pink skies and blazing chocolate sunshine.
[Cut to CU, head shot, Enzo POV.]
The delirious, drenched Surfin Messiah, once capsized by the Big One,
back in his element again, his sparkling turquoise eyes and effervescent grin
responding to everything Enzo s been trying so hard to tell him, needing no
words at all (except maybe One, that cannot be spoken):
I understand what you re saying now, all of it! Thank you! I love you,
Love Has No Boundaries: OIL AND WATER by Goesta Struve-Dencher 62
Of Scene. Cut to:]
All at once it hit him, and Jericho puckered right back up. It wasn t as bad as
he d feared. Not at all. Of course Enzo loved him, and only him; he d have
known it, if he d really listened to their hearts all along.
No, it was fucking worse.
He was going to have to work really hard for three or four days.
Enzo happily confirmed Jericho s ultimate nightmare vision of defenceless
zombie slavery: It is very hard, yes, for me too, so new here. No& nobody
trust Enzo& but I teach and it will be easy& come si dice?& the smooth
sailors, sì? Chiaro& You want the smooth sailors, so you can do the surfing
with them after. He pouted. Devastatingly.
Jericho burst out laughing. Smooth sailors. Full Monty. The Queen of
Spades not playing with a full deck. Enzo was just too much. They were both,
in their mutual misapprehension, hysterical.
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