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developed my muscles with several daily sets, I chose a daily ritual in my life
for my maintenance program - soaking in the hot tub. That's where I do my PC
pumps every day. You might use the beginning of your commute to and from
work, as you stop for traffic lights, when you check your email, during TV
commercials, or when you start your workout at the gym. Whatever you
choose, do it regularly so it becomes an integral part of your life routine. Since
it doesn't seem to matter what position you're in for these exercises, you can
choose whenever and wherever best jogs your memory.
Remember, don't push yourself and strain your groin at the outset. Instead
use the Tantric approach and build up gradually. Use belly breathing to help
stimulate your energy flow while you practice. Relax everything else when you
do PC pumps. If you tend to tense up, put your tongue on your palate so won't
clench your jaw.
Here I am again reminding you about the first R of RAMPER. That's relax,
remember? These exercises may be about squeezing your PC muscle, but the
relaxing in between each contraction is vital. If you're tense, your sexual
energy gets trapped and can't flow. Consequently, the unflexed moments
between pumps are as important as the strengthening. Sure, get into the habit
of squeezing to tone the muscles, but put as much attention on relaxing totally
between flexes.
Exercise: PC Flex
Squeeze and release your PC muscle at the rate of your heartbeat, which
means hold it each time for about a second. Start with 20 contractions twice a
day and build up to at least 75 per set. When you're doing 75 twice a day
easily, add the PC Clench.
Exercise: PC Clench
Next, practice clenching your PC while inhaling. By clenches I mean to hold
the squeeze for a longer period of time. Some experts say 3 seconds, some say
6, some say 15. Maybe they're all right so I suggest you start with 3 and work
up to 15 seconds per clench.
To do clenches, inhale and clench your PC, holding it tightly. Then push it out
and relax for the same amount of time before your next clench. Repeat this
cycle 20 times twice a day at first. As with flexes, build up to 75 reps twice a
The clench, contracting while inhaling and holding, is the type of PC Pump
you'll be using very soon to move sexual energy up out of your genital region.
When you're comfortable doing flexes and clenches, add Rosetta Contractions.
Exercise: Rosetta Contractions
This exercise begins with the part of your PC muscle around your rosetta
(asshole) and spreads to your whole PC. We're aiming to contract the PC
around the sphincter that you use to stop a bowel movement, but, at the start,
most of us also contract our lower stomach muscles, too.
Begin by simply relaxing and focusing your attention on your rosetta. Take a
half-breath, filling your lungs about half way, and push the air down as far as
you can. Hold your breath and tighten your anal sphincter as firmly as you
can. This should cause your rosetta to open a bit or push outward. Now
expand the contraction from the anus through the pelvic floor to the genitals.
When you get the hang of it, you should feel a definite tug on your testicles.
Hold everything tight for a few seconds and then relax on your outbreath.
Again, start with 20 twice a day and work up from there. When anal
contractions become easy, add Devamani Elevations.
Exercise: Devamani Elevations
Now for the weirdest sounding of all the PC exercises, devamani elevations.
Yes, you can develop the muscle control to raise and lower your balls. Except
for just another peculiar way to strengthen and tone your PC, why do you care?
You care because your devamani elevate before you can ejaculate. You can't
fire a gun if the hammer isn't cocked, right? So if you have the mastery to
lower your testicles consciously, you prevent or delay what used to seem
Devamani elevations may seem difficult at first so you'll probably be using all of
your PC, front and back, in addition to your abdominal muscles. Try this
practice while standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Or you can sit on
the edge of a bed or coffee table while practicing. It's easier in the sitting
position to cup the bottom of your balls or make a thumb-forefinger ring above
your testicles so you can feel them moving slightly.
Begin by doing a couple of sets of 20 per day, working up to 75 each time. It's
also interesting to practice with a shiva lingam (an erection). One expert even
recommends practicing bouncing a towel. That would be a great trick to show
off at cocktail parties, don't you agree?
When your devamani are elevating and dropping easily, add PC Flutters.
Exercise: PC Flutters
This exercise is basically the same as the first one, PC Flexes, just faster. To
do flutters, you contract and relax your PC as fast as you can. At first, you
may not be able to go much faster than your heartbeat, but with practice you
can speed up the squeeze and release. I suggest you don't count these but just
work up to fluttering for several normal breaths before relaxing totally. Doing
20 sets of these twice a day should be great. When you can flutter like a bird,
add PC Clamps.
Exercise: PC Clamps
PC Clamps are simply long clenches. Work up to holding your clench for two
minutes or more 20 times each set. Remember to relax completely at length
between these long clamps. And relax if you start to hurt or get sore.
This can be a very intensive regimen if you go full out. I suggest going slowly
while feeling your way as you continue on with later exercises. Once you
develop strength and tone in your PC after some weeks of practice, you can
back off to a maintenance level of exercises. After a couple years of intense
practice, I don't do every exercise every day. Eventually you'll develop the feel
of what's right to make your PC strong and keep it there.
There's an even more extensive program of PC exercises on a very interesting
membership website called Penile Enhancement. They recommend hundreds
per set and have other exercises to strengthen your muscles and increase the
size of your vajra. I haven't done the lengthening regimen but their claims and
testimonials are impressive. If you want more, check it out at
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