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raised bed. He flipped onto his backside, drew his hands up behind his neck to
pillow it, and closed his eyes.
Somebody began to caress his penis.
Cam s eyes flew open in surprise.
Sitting on her knees next to him, was an amazingly beautifulKefa with
sparkling blue skin and breasts so large they lay fully against her almost all
the way to her navel. His erection was rigid and instantaneous. TheKefa
emitted a small mewling sound, pleased by his body s response. Who are you?
he asked hoarsely.
TheKefa handed him a note, then bent her head and took his cock into
her mouth. Cam sucked in a breath through his teeth and ripped opened the
piece of parchment that boasted the High Queen s feminine scrawl.
This is Muta. Her nickname isthe suckler. Enjoy.
Cam lay the note reverently on the bed as he gazed down at Muta,
watching as his large cock disappeared into her voracious mouth. By the
sands, he muttered through clenched teeth, as theKefa performed on him in a
way he hadn t known possible.
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Over the course of the next several hours, Cam came to understand just
how Muta had acquired her nickname. Whereas mostKefas would quit the room
after bringing the master to peak, a warrior s life-force only seemed to
elicit the slave to a heightened desire to suckle.
Two hours later, Cam realized he hadn t yet stuck his rod in Muta s
channel. He doubted he would this night, but smiled to himself, knowing she
was his and could therefore sample that part of her charm on the next
moon-rising, or whenever he chose to do so.
Seven hours and ten climaxes later, Cam began to wonder if twas
possible to die of Muta s abilities. Never had he been given so thorough a
pleasuring. He allowed her to suckle him to peak one last time, then bade her
to pillow him whilst he slept.
Cam snuggled up against Muta s breasts, sucking from a plump blue
nipple as he fell into the most sated sleep of his life. He smiled, his
thoughts turning to Kyra.
Long live the High Queen.
Chapter 16
When Kyra came down to breakfast the following morning, she was to
learn that the warrior whose box had been adjacent to her and Zor s last night
was none other than Kil, second oldest of the Q an Tal ruling family.
The two brothers were hugging each other, pounding on each other s
backs affectionately, when Kyra first entered the great hall. Dak will be
sorry he missed you, Zor exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.
And what of Rem? Kil asked, his glowing blue eyes so much like Zor s.
Bah. He is forever on Sypar, where his she-bitch of anee ka has bade
him to stay.
Kil snorted, a gesture that softened his grim features somewhat. You
flatter her with such undeserved praise.
The clicking of Kyra s sandals against the black crystal floor caught
Zor s attention. He spun around, smiling upon seeing her, his eyes devouring
her body which was clothed today of a transparent blueqi ka . Nee ka,come.
He motioned with his hand for her to join them. Meet my brother, Kil.
Kyra took a deep breath to steady herself, then strolled up to where
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the two giants stood. Kil took his time studying her form, his eyes moving
over every inch of her body, lingering at her most intimate parts. She
pretended not to notice. Hello. My name is Kyra. She smiled up to him, even
though his eyes were still perusing her body.
Kil eventually brought his gaze up to meet Kyra s eyes. He inclined his
head, but didn t return her smile. She sensed that smiling was something he
didn t do much of. I remember seeing you last night in the box next to mine.
I am Kil.
Kil has traveled here from Tron where he has been busy putting down an
insurrection, Zor explained to Kyra, reaching down to brush the pad of his
thumb over one of her nipples. He is sore tired I would imagine, so we will
dine with him in privacy. Can you ask the servants to send a repast up to our
suites, my hearts?
Of course. Kyra nodded, grateful to have an excuse to get away from
Kil s unnerving presence, if even for a little while. She smiled graciously at
the men, then turned on her heel and left.
She is beautiful, Kil admitted. Even more so now that I can see her
in the harsh light of day.
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