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Wickham knew what he meant. The party managers, the uptight political
colleagues, the Whips, the press, all of them.
Pascal rolled off him, noting with pleasure that his lover s anus was still
distended, semen oozing from it. He watched it for a little while, gently stroking the
curved buttocks and thinking about the field day the journalists outside would have if
they could witness this scene.
I wonder if they re still there? he said, and got up and walked over to the long
window, peering through a gap in the curtain. Yes, hoards of them.
Wickham joined him, putting an arm around his waist. Poor devils. Are you
coming back to bed?
In a minute.
And tomorrow we can look into our travel arrangements.
Pascal pulled back, holding him by his arms, looking into his face. Are you
absolutely sure about this? It s a big step. And it s all very sudden. It might not work.
It works for me. I know I must seem pathetic, but when you ve wanted someone
for as long as I have, and it finally happens, everything falls into place. This is where I
want to be.
My God, Jack, the last thing you are is pathetic. But I don t feel you should
abandon your career for me. You ve got such fire, such promise&
A Personal Statement
That s not what you said about me in the House& But yes, I m sure. If you ll have
I& Pascal shook his head in bafflement. Today has been utterly extraordinary.
I thought it was going to be the worst day of my life. But all this& you& It changes
everything. I simply can t believe that you love me.
Christ, Pascal, what can I do to convince you? He looked up suddenly. I know.
I know just the thing. But first I have to be sure that you are absolutely committed to
this and to me.
I am, Pascal said, in a voice which brooked no contradiction.
And if I get myself into just as much bother as you re in now, you ll believe me?
You ll accept my commitment?
Pascal had taken Wickham s hands, and he looked into his eyes. I don t want you
to be in any trouble.
But if I was part of the scandal?
I suppose you are now, anyhow. Pascal gave a lopsided grin.
Exactly. Kiss me. Wickham cupped his hands around the other man s buttocks,
pulling him close. He pushed himself hard against Dumont, grinding his sore penis
against the other s. And as the kiss continued, he moved one hand up to the curtains
and found the cord that opened and closed them. And he pulled.
It was a long window, the sill so low that only the fact they were pressed together
preserved their modesty. From the hips upwards, they were gloriously exposed,
chests naked and glistening, arms entwined, eyes shut, tongues probing deeply. It
was a kiss of passion and acceptance, of love and commitment.
Down below, the lenses extended, and the flashbulbs popped as the waiting
photographers captured the sensational image which would grace a million breakfast
Excerpt from
The Facility Trip
Ansley Vaughan
The Facility Trip
They washed in silence, the water still warm from the heat of the day. Thinking
about that beautiful body, so close to him, was playing havoc with Guy's blood supply
and soon he was fully erect. He couldn't resist turning round, just once, his hands
covering the evidence of his shame, to get another glimpse of Major Changa. His gaze
fell again to the magnificent penis, now half-hard and pulsing. He looked swiftly
upwards, afraid of being caught staring, and his eyes met those of the major. For one
long, intense moment, they looked at each other. Then Changa moved swiftly across
the small space between them, grabbing Guy's wrists and forcing him back against
the tiles with his hands above his head in an attitude of surrender.
Guy said nothing, but he thought it ironic that he'd escaped being blown up and
shot at, only to meet his end at the hands of a homophobic African soldier who'd
misunderstood a single glance.
Then Major Changa's lips were on his, his strong body pressed against him. As if
on cue, the water in the tank ran out and the spray ceased.
Guy's first emotion was one of astonishment. He'd expected to be beaten, not
kissed. Then he gave way to the extraordinary sensation. Kissing, to Guy, was a
gentle, comforting thing you did with women, either just before you made love, or
sometimes to persuade them to let you do it. This activity bore no resemblance to the
feeble embraces he had experienced. The major's lips were demanding, his tongue
hard and probing. It was more like a sex act in itself than a prelude to one.
Finally, Changa broke the kiss, looking into his eyes with a mixture of lust and
concern. "I hope I read the signs right. Otherwise I guess I'm out of a job."
Guy was still shaking. "I'm not... I'm not gay."
"No? Well I'm not either. I'm not gay, I'm not straight. It's complicated." He put
one huge forefinger on the side of Guy's face, tracing a rivulet of water down his
cheek. "But you want it, don't you?"
Now it had come to it, now his fantasies were in danger of becoming real, Guy was
seized with nerves and beset by all the inhibitions of a conservative past.
"I'm not... not sure."
Surprisingly, Changa laughed, a rich, deep sound. "Oh, I think you are. Look." He
leaned back a little and looked down between their bodies. Two cocks, one a rich
purple-black, and the other pink tinged with mauve, moved alongside each other,
both now completely rigid. He moved his hips so the two organs rubbed together.
Impossibly, Guy felt himself getting harder, the tension so great now, the pressure so
intense that he thought he might explode.
"Well, make up your mind. Because before the night is over I intend to fuck your
arse so hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow."
You can purchase a copy of The Facility Trip here.
Ansley Vaughan Biography
Ansley Vaughan is a journalist, who has worked in print, in radio and in television
news. She read history at Oxford University and trained as an actress. She writes
erotic adventures and her first novel for Freya s Bower The Facility Trip is an m/m
romance which was published late last year. Three others are due out early in 2007,
An African Moon an m/f adventure dealing with modern politics and an ancient
curse, Plan Colombia set in the murky world of espionage, and A Personal Statement,
an m/m story which deals with the rise and fall of a senior British cabinet minister.
Ansley Vaughan has lived in France, Italy and the United States. Her passion is
travel, and if she can just get to Antarctica, she will have visited every continent. She
lives in London with two extremely naughty dogs.
If you enjoyed this novel, you may also wish to read:
The Facility Trip by Ansley Vaughan
Binding the Wolf by Kay Derwydd
Crossing the Veil by Kay Derwydd
Motorpool by C.B. Potts
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