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Or the Shock Troops (for real)
Arnold; Sarah; Sigurd.
RACE: "Human" CAREER: Ex-Peasant; Mutant.
WS: 36 BS: 36 S: 36 T: 41 AG: 36 INT: 31 WP: 36 FEL: 31
A: 1 W: 14 SB: 3 TB: 4 M: 4 MAG: 0
WEAPONS: Hand Weapon (#1: Hand axe; #2: Short Sword; #3: Sword), Dagger, Quarter
SKILLS: Animal Care, Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Silent Move, Speak
Language (Reikspiel), Animal Training, Trade (Cook), Drive, Gamble, Row, Silent Move
TALENTS: All: Hardy, Flee!; #1 (Arnold): Unsettling; #2 (Sarah): Frightening; #3
(Sigurd): Terrifying. Check the different mutations for more Talents
EQUIPMENT: Ragged peasant clothing
NOTES: Beyond insanity, they are creatures of Chaos!
Mutant #1 (Arnold):
Grossly Fat (0): +50% Weight; -7% Strength (43%); Wounds +1 (14)
Bestial appearance (2): Weasel - has Natural Weapon Talent
Manikin (2): Suffers 25% of all hits to the head; 1 Wound; if killed, so is the mutant
Mutant #2 (Sarah):
Bestial appearance (4): Ant - has Natural weapon Talent +2 Fear Points
Cyclops (1): 1/2 BS% (18%)
Extra Ear (0): Has Acute Hearing Talent
Mutant #3 (Sigurd):
Skeleton (5): -4% WS (32%), BS (32%) and S (32%); -21% Fel (10%); +12% Ag
(24%); can't run
Vile (1): -6% Fel (25%); +20% Intimidate and torture Skills
Short Legs: -1 Move (3)
Blood Substitution (3): +2% Toughness (43%); Blood is now Vomit: Failed Agility
Test: Challenging Toughness Test. Test Failed = gain a Mutation
BACKGROUND: Three unfortunates who unknowingly over the years absorbed too much
warpstone from a river near their village. Adopted by the cult, have been quite loyal to it.
They are considered expendable (but don t tell it to them).
AGE: 23; 33; 16 EYE COLOUR: Blue; gray; green
HAIR COLOUR: Black; russet; brown STAR SIGN: N/A
BIRTHPLACE: The Empire GENDER: Male; female; male
WEIGHT: 257; 120; 176 HEIGHT: 5 6 ; 5 5 ; 6 0
Ricardo Duroleón,
Optional Player in This Drama
RACE: Human CAREER: Ex-Hedge Wizard, Soldier
WS: 46 BS: 45 S: 30 T: 36 AG: 34 INT: 34 WP: 44 FEL: 40
A: 2 W: 16 SB: 3 TB: 3 M: 4 MAG: 1 IP: 2
WEAPONS: Hand Weapon (Sword), Firearm with Ammunition for 10 shots, Shield
ARMOUR: Full Leather
Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1
SKILLS: Heal (+10), Perception (+10), Dodge Blow, Ride, Gamble, Intimidate (+10),
Channeling, Sense Magic, Charm Animal, Common Knowledge (Estalia), Gossip, Speak
Language (Estalian), Speak Language (Reikspiel), Haggle, Search
TALENTS: Warrior Born, Ambidextrous, Hedge Magic, Petty Magic (Hedge), Quick
Draw, Sharpshooter, Specialist Weapon Group (Gunpowder), Rapid Reload, Mighty Shot
EQUIPMENT: Uniform, healing draught, holy Verenan texts
NOTES: Devout Verenan, he prays for her wisdom compulsively
BACKGROUND: From an early age, Ricardo Duroleón was attracted to magic, but seeing
what it did to his mother (she burnt to a crisp during a Casting), he opted for the Army.
Now, a devout Verenan since he saw the Goddess in a vision some years back, he took a
break from soldiering and, as a pilgrim, follows the Verenan Saint Phuruphellia s footsteps
to a not well-known Verenan Monastery in Praag
AGE: 35 EYE COLOUR: Brown HAIR COLOUR: Brown black
STAR SIGN: Gnuthus, the Ox BIRTHPLACE: Estalia
GENDER: Male WEIGHT: 167 lbs HEIGHT: 5 5
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Horrific scar on nose
DOOMING: ¡Evita a toda costa el color Amarillo! (At all costs void the colour yellow!)
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