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overweight. It will also reduce the number of hours of television they watch every day.
The technology is nicknamed Square-Eyes . It is a tiny, computerized sensor that fits
into children s shoes. It measures the number of steps the child takes during the day
and ----6---- this information to the family computer. Software then tells the child how
many hours of ----5---- he or she can watch that evening. One hundred steps equal one
minute of TV. If children use up their viewing time, they must do more walking.
The designer, Gillian Swan, says the device will help children to
----1---- exercise in their daily routines from an early age. She said that ten years ago
children were healthier because they played outside with their friends. She said today s
children spend too much time in front of the TV and don t exercise. This means children
have weight problems and become ----4----. Square-eyes is a nickname often given
to children who watch too much television. It may now take on a new meaning. The new
technology is the beginning of computers becoming a part of our clothes. What we wear
will soon ----2---- our health.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
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