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file:///C|/Downloads/GREEN%20Sharon%20-%20Queen%20Brat/brat8.html (1 of 11)05/10/2005 21:01:16
Queen Brat by Sharon Green
"Seea's family may be safe from my enemies, but my own family isn't. Skallin and
his fighters will be fully alert in Ramsond for quite some time yet, but my father
and other brothers need to be warned that someone has decided to move against
me. Until I find out who that someone is they're all in danger."
Listan nodded without speaking, so Derand touched his stallion with a heel to
increase his pace. The faster they reached his father's palace, the happier he would
Once they crossed the border into Arvin Derand's fighters closed up around the
central party, but they still made really good time. Thanks to their early start they
reached Meersond, Derand's father's city, even before noon and were immediately
allowed through the gates. Another few minutes saw them at the palace, and
Derand left Listan to escort Seea inside while he went looking for his father.
At that time of the day Derand knew where his father probably was, and the guess
turned out to be right. The door of the small room next to the kitchens was closed,
and the kitchen girls went busily about their chores without looking in the room's
direction. That room was used when one or more of the kitchen girls needed
punishing, and Derand's father, King Almis, was the one who gave that punishment.
Years earlier, Derand's father had discovered that the girls working in the kitchens
were whipped if someone decided they deserved to be punished. Using a whip on
mere girls had outraged King Almis, so he'd replaced the practice with one of his
own. Every day before noon he went down to the kitchens, and all the girls who
merited punishment were brought before him. If the offense was insignificant or an
accident, King Almis usually let the girl off with a warning. If the offense was
serious, though, the king provided a good, hard spanking.
As soon as Derand opened the door to the small room he heard the howling as a
backdrop to the sound of smacking, and stepping inside provided the picture
suggested by the sound. His father sat on a chair with a girl draped over his lap, her
skirt raised high and her underdrawers down around her knees. Her pretty round
bottom was well-tinged with red, and tears rolled down her cheeks as she howled.
The spanking had obviously been going on for a while, so Derand closed the door
behind him and stood near the wall until his father was free.
King Almis had sent his son a surprised smile when Derand first walked into the
room, but his big hand hadn't stopped smacking that round and squirming bottom.
The sound produced by his hand coming down showed that there was considerable
strength behind each smack, and the girl's seat got another ten or twelve whacks
before Almis finally reached to her underdrawers and pulled them up. Once the
file:///C|/Downloads/GREEN%20Sharon%20-%20Queen%20Brat/brat8.html (2 of 11)05/10/2005 21:01:16
Queen Brat by Sharon Green
underdrawers were secured her skirt came down, and then she was set back on her
"For your sake, Faela, I hope this session finally teaches you to mend your ways,"
Almis said sternly to the girl, who bounced and mewled where she stood but made
no effort to rub at her bottom. "If you're caught bullying the smaller girls a third
time, it won't be my hand warming your bottom. I'll take the wooden rule to your
stubbornness for three days straight, and you won't be allowed to take your lunch
standing up. You'll have to sit on your aching bottom on the bench with the other
girls, and I promise you won't enjoy the experience. You may return to your work
"Yes, Your Majesty," the girl gasped out, some of her bouncing trying to turn into a
curtsey. "I won't do it again, Your Majesty, I promise I won't!"
Derand joined his father in watching the girl hurry to the door and then disappear
through it, and then they looked at each other instead.
"Obviously they're still not allowed to rub until they're out of this room," Derand
said with a grin as he moved closer to his now-standing father. "It's good to see you
again, Father."
"And you, Derand, or should I say, Your Majesty?" Almis replied with his own
grin as he joined Derand in a mutual, back-slapping hug. "I heard that you sent for
Skallin, but I still don't know why you needed him. Didn't you have enough
fighters of your own with you for a simple visit to Sollera?"
"That simple visit developed some serious complications," Derand answered as he
stepped back. "If you have no other plans I can tell you all about it over lunch."
"Done," Almis agreed with a clap to Derand's shoulder. "Your mother is off
lunching with friends, so we'll be able to speak privately."
"First, I think, we both need to pass along some orders to our people," Derand said,
no longer amused. "If Mother is out of the palace her escort needs to be alerted. An
assassin tried for me last night at the inn we stopped at, which has to mean that one
of my loyal kings isn't as loyal as he should be."
Almis's amusement died with Derand's, and he quickly led the way up to the main
part of the palace. Listan waited with the men of Derand's personal escort, so
Derand took Listan aside and gave him instructions about Seea. Derand had finally
become aware of how badly Seea had been eating, and she needed more than this
file:///C|/Downloads/GREEN%20Sharon%20-%20Queen%20Brat/brat8.html (3 of 11)05/10/2005 21:01:16
Queen Brat by Sharon Green
morning's breakfast to stay alive. Listan agreed to stress the point with Seea that he,
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