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looking toward the lighthouse. Maybe she
could sense someone watching her. I recalled
having the same eerie sensation and looked
away. I hated that feeling.
The massive lantern drew my attention
and I studied it. It had an eerily beautiful
vibe, and I wondered why no one used it any-
more. I supposed that people didn t sail
ships, so the light house had lost its purpose,
but at one time it had stood for something.
In Naos legend, Nyx was said to have sailed
to the city. I imagined that it once was a sym-
bol of Nyx s arrival. Wouldn t lighting it give
the people hope in a time like this? Next time
I spoke with my father I would mention it to
him, although I d have to work out some way
of doing so without letting on I d been here.
I decided to settle on an area between that
lantern and the glass. I folded my legs and
focused my eyes on the country side. Far be-
low me, along the coast was Naos. It
sparkled in golden hues, twinkling like the
night sky. It was beautiful.
Making the city the focus in my mind s
eye, I closed my eyes and steadied my
breathing. I wasn t sure how I was going to
test my abilities, but centering my power had
to be a good start. I embraced my power and
dug deeper. I knew if this was going to work,
I would have to embrace all of me. Even that
dark and vengeful part that I tried to keep
locked up.
Electricity shot through my nerves and
my entire body tingled. My fangs began to
burn with energy. I did it. I was tapped in. I
could feel the power flowing through me like
hot lava. The pain was both excruciating and
magnificent. I delighted in the pure power of
it, indulging in the moment.
My eyes flew open and I locked onto Naos
like a targeted weapon. My vision kal-
idespoed downward, giving me the sensation
that I was flying toward it. I wasn t. I was
still sitting in the lighthouse, but the city
grew closer and closer.
I wanted more. I didn t want to just see, I
wanted to hear. There had to be someone in
that town that knew something. I flew my
senses and emotions outward, connecting
with my power, giving my vision purpose. It
quickened, bonding with my urgency and
thirst for information.
My power rocketed through the streets of
Naos like a ghost. It was examining every
emotion in the city and propelling them back
to me. They slammed into me and I held my
breath at the intensity. I wasn t prepared for
this. Feeling the sensations of thousands of
people was overwhelming. Their fear, sad-
ness, joy, excitement. Every mood bolted in-
to my being and I thought I would explode.
I didn t want to give up. If I found
something in the end, the pain would be
worth it. I was sure of it.
I clenched my fists, my nails digging into
my flesh. The pleasure of the power burning
through me began to fade and only the pain
grew hotter and more commanding. I didn t
know how much more I could take.
Suddenly, my vision halted and my body
swayed to a stop. A different emotion was
tickling my senses and my nerves prickled. I
couldn t tell which direction it was coming
from, but I knew what it was. I knew what it
was all too well. Anger.
My body grew hotter and my breath was
raged, but I couldn t stop now. I could do
this. Just a little bit longer and I would be
able to tell who and where this person was.
This could all be over. I could stop the war
before it even began if I could just hold on.
My connection began to flicker. The link
was fading and I desperately tried to cling
on, but it was a losing battle. I fell backward,
my head cracking against the lantern behind
me. I could feel hot blood pouring from the
wound, but all I could think of was that I
failed. I was so close, but I couldn t hold on
any longer.
I rolled over onto my side and screamed
in frustration. I battled my arms and legs,
puffing swirls of dust into the air. As the
nausea faded and the world around me came
back into focus, I caught a glimpse of light.
The horizon was transforming to soft blush-
ful pink. The sun was rising.
Panic coursed through me. I d never been
out during daylight since being turned and
now wasn t the time to test that theory.
I reached for the cold metal of the railing
and pulled my heavy body to the stairs. The
thousands of emotions had left my body, but
the weight of them remained. My descent
was slow going, lowering myself down one
step at a time. The circling sensation of the
spiral stairs only amplified my
Finally reaching the bottom, I used the
last of my energy to crawl under one of the
sheet covered couches and collapse. Sleep
came quickly, but fitfully. When the nausea
subsided, hunger grew in its place. I should
have brought blood, but I didn t think I
would have drained myself so greatly. I was
being so careless. I cursed myself for being
so stupid before passing into another dream-
less sleep.
Sleeping and waking repeatedly, the day
seemed to drag endlessly. I was so angry at
myself. For the first instance of my life, the
more I time I spent awake and alone with my
thoughts, the more I hated it. The more I
didn t want to think at all. I didn t want to
think about how stupid I had been and what
a failure I was. I tried to use my powers - all
my powers - and I knew it nearly killed me.
Dusk finally arrived after what felt like an
eternity. I lifted the edge of the sheet cau-
tiously. When I was certain the last rays of
the sun had disappeared behind the nearby
mountains, I flung the dust covered sheet
over the back of the couch.
Clouds of grey billowed up into my face
and I coughed violently. My chest burned,
but at least I was alive.
Aside from getting back to the Château, I
had one other thing on my mind. Blood. I
needed to eat as soon as possible. I d never
been this hungry before and I didn t want to
know what could happen. I wouldn t be able
to forgive myself if I attacked a human. Then
again, I doubted I had the strength to do it
even if I wanted to.
Other than being covered in a thin layer of
dust, I didn t think I looked too disheveled.
Maybe no one would even notice.
The back of my head ached and my fin-
gers flew to my wound. My head was crusted
and stiff with dried blood. At least it had
stopped bleeding.
I tugged my hair to one side, trying to
sweep it over the injury, and pulled my hood
over my head. Taking a deep breath, I
stepped out into the night. The warmth of
the day still clung to the air and sweat began
to bead on my forehead.
I wasn t looking forward to the walk back
to my room. I didn t dare try to run there. I
had no idea how much strength I had left
and didn t want to waste it. If I were to col-
lapse on my way& well, I didn t want to
think what would happen.
The lights in the Château flickered on as I
made my long walk back. I wished that
Arrick was back. If he were here I would sit
here on the ground and call him to me. He
would take care of me like he did the night
Ana and Luka attacked me. I felt almost as
weak as I did then, but in a different way.
Physically I had no injuries other than my
head. No, this hurt was inside. I felt empty.
Crickets began to chirp in time with the
waves and I tried to focus on the sounds of
nature instead of the voice in my head. I
needed to relax. I wanted to ask Eli for the
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