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He knew every rut and made sure he missed it.
Great cause.
He nodded in agreement. Their motto is: anyone who
wants to ride can. The horses are very versatile. From the
beginning of training they are exposed to constant stimuli:
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
wheelchairs, crutches, dogs, anything that they might
encounter with someone who is handicapped. At the end of
the horse s training, he knows three languages: feel, sound,
and sight.
I never realized that there were so many ranches who
specialize in this.
There aren t. It s expensive. The tack alone is very
expensive. Custom saddles and balance belts are costly. He
turned onto the main road and let the engine of the sports car
gather speed. The horses also need a lot of extra training.
He shifted. They will explain everything in detail at the
I can t wait to hear more.
* * * * *
Forty-five minutes later Michael eased into the parking
lot. He purposely avoided the valet parking. He wanted to
know where his vehicle was if he needed it. Instead of going
right to Jessica s door when he got out of the car, he
surveyed the huge lot first. scanning it slowly, noticing
everything and everyone. The killer said he had seen her at
the auction, the restaurant, and the bar. There was no reason
why he wouldn t follow them here.
Michael reached for Jessica s door. As he opened it, he
held his hand out. When he felt her soft fingers in his, he
lifted her out of the low car. Her long legs seemed to unfold
as she stood.
Thank you.
Michael smiled as he pressed the keyless remote. He
offered her his arm.
Jessica looped her arm through his. I could get used to
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
Watch your step, it s wet. Michael pulled her close
while steering them clear of puddles.
Several people at the front door greeted Michael and
Jessica. Some smiled politely, acknowledging Michael s
presence, then walked off to visit with other people. Others
shook his hand and left, but one man stuck out. He was a
tall, heavy-set man, who pushed past the others, his hand
extended in a greeting.
Carven, it s nice to see you again.
Michael stuck out his hand. Nice to see you.
The man s attention jumped from Michael to Jessica
when he spotted her. Well, what do we have here? Are you
going to introduce me to this beautiful creature, or am I
going to have to do it myself?
No, he didn t want the slime to even know Jessica s
name. Reluctantly he introduced them. Jack, this is Jessica
Stanson, Jessica, this is Jack Stone.
It s a pleasure, Jack said, as he looked her over.
Michael cursed himself up one side and down the other
for picking out the damn dress.
It s nice to meet you, Mr. Stone. Jessica winced as the
clammy hand held hers for longer than necessary.
I insist you call me Jack. Where did you find such a
gem? His question was directed to Michael, but he never
took his eyes off Jessica.
Michael wasn t up to humoring Jack. She s my trainer.
His hands were in his pockets playing with some lose
change. He hated coming to these dinners.
You train horses? Jack asked.
Believe it or not, Jessica said. Did he just wink at her?
She eyed the man carefully. She didn t like him.
Jack didn t hide his surprise. So, you know horses.
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
I know a horse s ass, she thought as she viewed his
outdated suit. She made a sour face; he reeked of cheap
cologne. As he raised his hand to stroke his mustache, the
light caught two huge diamonds on his ring and pinky
Michael abruptly took Jessica s arm. Excuse us.
Jack seems like a nice man, Jessica said sarcastically as
he ushered her into the lobby.
Yeah, great guy.
She made small talk as the mingling people and the huge,
elegant room swallowed them. She had never seen anything
like it. Brilliant chandeliers that must have each weighed a
ton hung overhead. The light reflected off thousands of tiny
crystals. The carpet was plush red with a gold accent.
Jessica looked to Michael after the last introductions were
made and the couple had left. You obviously spend a lot of
time with these people.
He looked around the room, indifferent. No, I just do
business with them. He spotted an attendant and told him
his name.
Yes, this way, Mr. Carven. The boy led them through a
series of halls into another room, where he weaved them
through a maze of tables. He stopped at a table located in the
front near a stage. Three other couples were already seated.
The boy pulled out a chair for Jessica. Dinner will be served
Michael again made note of his surroundings, carefully
looking for all the exits. Just in case, he told himself. He
touched the gun under his coat, just in case.
Introductions were made and polite conversation flowed
as appetizers were served. The conversation leaned toward
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
the theme of the evening during the main course and dessert.
Jessica was intrigued.
Everyone s attention was brought to the podium as a
spokesman from the AHA elaborated on the topic. The
speech was both interesting and educational. A roar of
applause broke out as the spokesman ended his speech and
introduced one of the biggest contributors. Jessica was
surprised when Michael slid his chair out and moved to the
podium. She hadn t realized that his name had been called.
Michael s lecture was brief but efficient. His demeanor
was confident as he thanked everyone for attending. He left
the audience with a brilliant smile and final words of
The lights were dimmed and coffee was served. One by
one the other couples at the table excused themselves to the
dance floor.
Wow, if I knew you were so important I wouldn t have
yelled at you the first day I met you, Jessica said.
Somehow I doubt that.
She smiled. No, really. If I d known that you were The
Michael Carven, my behavior would have been a little more
respectable. I might have even bowed.
Michael took a sip of his coffee. I think you were right.
About what?
The dress.
She had looked at the other women s dresses, and was
surprised to find the one she wore was much more
conservative. Realizing that she was not overdressed had
given her a little satisfaction and confidence. I think it s a
great dress. She gave him a wicked smile.
And so do half of the men in the room. He put down
his coffee. Would you like to dance?
Whittier / Fatal Embrace
I d love to.
Michael took her hand and led her out to the dance floor.
It wasn t long before they were lost in the music, gliding
across the floor. Their motions were refined, as if they had
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