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but he s absolutely no fun to watch football with. Luckily, we have a lot of the regular season
left. That is if you re not too busy changing diapers to spend a Sunday afternoon with your
best friend.
Butch kicked off the covers before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. I m sure
Luke ll give me time off for good behaviour. He set his glass on the table and got to his feet.
I m going to jump into the shower. I stink.
I wasn t going to say anything. You being a new dad and all, Nash mumbled.
WINTER Carol Lynne
* * * *
Are you sure you don t want to go? Sidney asked.
The rehearsal dinner was finally over and the Ballentine brothers were ready to venture
out of the hotel and enjoy everything Bourbon Street had to offer. Unfortunately, Nash
wasn t feeling up to a night of partying. I m sure. I think I ll go up and change into my
trunks and take a quick swim, but you go ahead.
Are you sure? I can stay here if you want me to, Sidney offered.
Although Nash would love Sidney s company, he didn t want Sidney to miss out on the
fun because of him. I m sure. Just don t forget we have a full day tomorrow. Nash caught
JJ s attention. Do not buy him shots again.
JJ laughed. I can t help it if my big brother can t hold his liquor.
Sidney took off his suit jacket and tie and handed them to Nash. Mind putting these in
the room for me?
Sure. Nash gave Sidney a quick kiss. Have fun.
I ll call you later in case you change your mind and want to meet up with us.
Nash doubted he d change his mind, but decided to leave his options open. You do
that. Maybe once I cool down, I ll feel more like myself.
Sidney felt Nash s forehead. You still don t feel good?
Nash shook his head. I don t feel sick to my stomach or anything, just sluggish.
Probably some bug I picked up on the plane or something. I m sure I ll be okay after a good
night s sleep.
You coming? Eric asked from across the courtyard.
Sidney stared up at Nash for several moments. You sure it s okay?
Go. Have fun.
Nash waited until Sidney left to retrieve his half-empty drink from the table. He went
up to his room and changed into a new pair of swimming trunks Sidney had bought him for
the trip. Although his body was definitely softer than it had once been, at least he d managed
to lose the spare tire he d carried around for a few years. He turned away from the full-
length mirror and grabbed a T-shirt before heading down to the pool.
Nash wasn t surprised to find the pool area empty. There were too many other things to
do in the French Quarter besides swimming. He snatched a towel off the shelf by the
WINTER Carol Lynne
restrooms and tossed it onto one of the lounge chairs before jumping in. The cool water was
refreshing after hours spent trying not to sweat through his suit.
As he started a leisurely stroke across the length of the pool, he was reminded of the
years spent swimming in the pond at the Running E. He wondered if the water was still as
clear as it had once been. Barely two laps later, Nash was out of breath and was forced to
stop. He clung to the side of the pool as he fought to slow his racing heart. Shit.
Other than the overwhelming fatigue after a few short laps, Nash wasn t experiencing
pain like he had when he d had his earlier heart attack, so he felt confident he was being
issued a warning instead of the real thing.
It took him another ten minutes to gather enough strength to get out of the pool, and
another fifteen before he reluctantly knocked on Butch s door.
Hey, Butch answered, wearing nothing but underwear and a T-shirt. I thought you
were going out with the others.
Can I come in? Nash asked, leaning heavily against the doorframe.
Butch looked over his shoulder. Luke just got Lucy to sleep. What s going on?
Nash s health concerns were hard enough to admit to himself, the last thing he wanted
was to have the conversation in the hall. Nothing. Go be with your family. I ll talk to you
You sure?
Yeah. I ll head on up to my room and watch a movie or something. Nash turned to
leave. It s good to have you home.
It s good to be home. I ll catch up with you in the morning, Butch said before shutting
the door.
Once Nash returned to his room, he took off his wet trunks and slung them over the
shower rod to dry. His cell phone on the desk mocked him as he pulled on a clean pair of
underwear. What good would it do to call Sidney away from a night out with his friends? It
wasn t like Sidney could do anything to help him and now that his breathing and heart rate
had returned to normal, Nash doubted he was in any immediate danger.
He folded the bedspread down and started to get in, but grabbed the phone at the last
minute. With only the bedside lamp to illuminate the room, Nash stared at the phone in his
hand. Sidney would never forgive him if he didn t call.
WINTER Carol Lynne
* * * *
Sidney was lost in the thumping music as he gyrated on the dance floor. He couldn t
believe how long it had been since he d gone dancing and it felt good, damn good. With his
arms over his head, he continued to block out everyone else in the crowded club. He ignored
the occasional brush of someone s hand across his ass because he knew it wasn t personal. It
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