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- Bell Joyce W niewoli uczuÄ
- Bell Jane Koniec marzen
- Juniper Bell My Three Lords
- Armstrong, Mechele Settler's Mine 4 The Wolf
- Barbour Anne NIE KOCHAJ śÂOTRA
- Lowell Elizabeth Sen zaklćÂty w krysztale(1)
- Zopa Rinpoche, Lama Virtue And Reality (Buddhanet 1998, Buddhism, English)
- 0437. Sellers Alexandra Tylko razem z śźonćÂ
- Lovecraft, H. P En las montanas alucinantes
- Forstchen, William R Wing Commander 4 Heart of the Tiger
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was the only way, then Spencer would at least get a choice about what shifter he d
become. I ll talk to him, then. He might have a preference.
Bring him here first and let him meet the Bears and Foxes. He might not want to be
part of a Pack or Pride, but since he s lost all his family except you
And you re a Wolf, Ryan interjected.
Exactly. He might crave that closer connection. Glory hitched her thumb toward the
curtain. Tabby knows more about that than even you.
So bring him here tomorrow. Chloe might also have a few things to say.
Hmm. Jim stared at the curtain as if he could see through it to his mate. I need to
talk to her about working for me again as well. My partner suggested she become a vet
tech and work labs for us.
The excited, distinctly canine yip told him his mate could hear more than he d thought
of the conversation he was having with Ryan. A few moments later, Chloe barreled
through the curtain and threw herself at him, nearly toppling them both over. You mean
He laughed and nodded. Get certified and you ve got a job.
The sloppy kiss she laid on him in thanks wasn t the most expert kiss he d ever gotten,
but it had to be the best one he d ever been privileged to receive.
Chapter Twelve
One little, two little, three little koozies, four little, five little, six little koozies&
Chloe giggled as Tabby tossed can koozies one after the other into a cardboard box.
She hadn t realized how many of the foam can coolers she d stuffed into that drawer until
Tabby started emptying it.
How many goddamn koozies does one person need? Tabby shook her head. Half of
them are for different lawn products, and this one& She shuddered. This one has foam
boobies on it.
That one belongs to Ryan. Chloe wasn t going to take the fall for that one, no matter
how hard Ryan shook his head no. He hid it here when he mated Glory.
Oh, really? Glory glared at Ryan, who tried his best to look innocent.
He failed miserably. It s for breast cancer?
Glory put her hands on her hips. Why was that phrased as a question?
Because he s in jeopardy! Chloe crowed, ducking when Ryan took a swing at her.
Traitor. Ryan stuck his tongue out at her before turning back to his mate. Now,
Glory, you know I only touch your koozies these days.
Ass. Hole. Glory picked up the boobie koozie and threw it at Ryan.
Alex strode out of Chloe s bedroom, a huge box in his arms. Where do you want this?
What s in bit? Chloe tilted her head, trying to read Alex s chicken scrawl.
Girl stuff. He shrugged as if the box weighed nothing.
Ah. Put it by the door. It was more than likely stuff she d need sooner rather than
later. If Jim had his way she d already be living under his roof, but she had years of living
in this apartment to pack away. There was no way it was going to take less than a week
to pack everything up.
Hell, if her family had their way she d have been at Jim s before the end of last
weekend. They wanted to know the Wolf was guarding her door night and day and that
Jim was with her when they couldn t be. While that hadn t happened so far, even her
parents were pushing her to move in with her mate.
What do you think? Should we pack the boobie koozie or not? Tabby waved it
around, horrifying Ryan. I mean, we wouldn t want Ryan to go without while he sleeps
on the couch. Again.
I hate you all. Ryan grabbed the koozie and threw it in the trash. Thanks a lot, pal.
Anytime, Ryan. Anytime. Tabby patted him on the arm. Speaking of hate, how come
y all didn t beat the shit out of Jimmy-boy yet?
Alex and Ryan exchanged a glance that set all of Chloe s senses on alert. You didn t.
We didn t. Alex grimaced. We planned on it, but we didn t.
Yeah. Although we did threaten his balls if he hurt you. Ryan grinned. Good times.
I still want to know why you have so many koozies. Tabby put her can of soda into
one that Chloe had gotten at school.
You threatened to beat up Jim? Chloe crossed her arms over her chest and glared at
Ryan and Alex.
Are you having frat parties and not inviting me? Tabby sipped her caffeine-free soda.
Yes, Tabby. It s all orgies, boobie koozies and Dorito breath twenty-four/seven around
here, Chloe deadpanned.
Hah! I knew it. Tabby picked the boob koozie out of the trash and squished one of
the boobs. You know, I think these are fake.
Alex smiled at his mate, the expression so sappy Chloe gagged. I
Whatever her cousin was going to say was interrupted by the doorbell. I ve got it.
Chloe opened the door without looking through the peephole first, earning herself some
growls from her relatives. It didn t matter, though, as Chloe knew who was on the other
side. Hey, Jim.
Hello, sweetheart. Jim kissed her softly and entered her apartment. How s the
packing going?
Good. We re almond done.
Jim froze, his head tilted as he stared at Tabby. Chloe?
He had the most adorable look of confusion on his face as he asked, Why is she
squeezing a koozie boob?
Don t ask me, ask her. Chloe pushed past her mate. Ryan, have you seen my
Jim s gaze slowly panned to her. Elephant?
It s not an elephant, it s Jabba the Hutt with the world s ugliest erection. Ryan
shuddered. And it s in the box over there.
Chloe snarled. The one marked trash?
Ryan nodded vigorously. Don t let her take it, man. Don t let her take it.
Chloe lifted her elephant out of the trash bin and cooed. Hello, little fella.
Little fella? Jim s eyes went wide. Holy fuck, it does look like an erect Jabba. Jim
tilted his head, his lips quirking into a small smile. I never thought of Jabba getting a
chubby before.
It s not Jabba, it s an elephant. Chloe d had this argument before. See the ears?
It was like she hadn t spoken at all, because Jim decided to give them an education on
penile placement in the animal world. Anatomically speaking there are a number of
species here on earth that have a penis on their face, like the land snail. There s also a
fish in Asia with a penis under its chin.
Ryan and Alex shared a horrified look. So Jabba puts his face near your crotch? Alex
shivered. No wonder he liked licking Leia so much.
Was he licking her, or was he& ? Jim waggled his brows.
Alex gagged. That is so wrong.
Gives the term giving head a whole new meaning, doesn t it?
Ryan widened his eyes. Hell no. Jabba ain t licking my face.
Or having sex with it? Jim reached out and poked the elephant s trunk, ignoring
Chloe s low growl.
Face sex with Jabba the Hutt. Alex choked. No. Way.
He could like butt sex. That s how sea pigs do it. Jim stared at the elephant as his
grin grew wider. Think Hutt butt sex. With a love dart.
Ryan and Alex both covered their behinds, no doubt protecting their virginity from her
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