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Chapter Three
She most definitely is unexpected, Krys said, still feeling dazed by the encounter.
Jaret s gaze fell on him, a curious expression clouding his eyes. You could say that again.
Do you think it s a trap?
Jaret shook his head. She could have blasted you, but she didn t.
Me? You are one lucky son of a sand hog!
Don t remind me.
When they joined her on the Jurate, she stood staring at the contents of a crate she d opened. So much for not touching
anything. What manner of weapons are these? I ve never seen anything like them.
That is none of your business, Krys said.
Sure it is, she said, lifting her chin and staring at him. I m here to collect them.
We were instructed to deal only with--
With our contact, Jaret interrupted.
Which is me. She waited for a moment and then started to leave. It doesn t matter whether or not you believe me.
You re nearly done unloading the weapons. You re hiding them well on your own. I am not really needed, so I can go
Krys grabbed her hand, pulling her to face him.
She yanked her hand out of his grip, fear flashing in her eyes. But she stood taller. Then are you going to tell me what
kind of weapons you ve brought?
Jaret sighed and slipped into a long, boring monologue. The little spy hung on his every word as he catalogued the
Krys leaned against the cold metal wall and watched the woman as she spoke to Jaret, looking and listening for clues
that would reveal what she was hiding. About the only thing he gathered was that she had a nicer figure than he d first
noticed, and that she was annoyed with him for watching her. Maybe she was flustered because she was nervous. Well,
good! At least that meant the little spy had a brain in her beautiful head. She was right to think she was in danger.
They were star pirates after all.
She surreptitiously looked at him from behind a lock of hair and then frowned when their eyes met. Krys winked at
her. A blush rose to her cheeks and her breathing increased. She moved closer to Jaret and renewed her interest in
whatever it was that he was blathering about.
Krys was pleased at her reaction. It made him contemplate what a real star pirate would do in his situation. Come with
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Starlit Destiny
me, he silently urged her, staring at her all too kissable lips, imagining the feel of them, trembling against him.... Hell
with stopping at a kiss! A pirate would toss her over his shoulder and really give the little spy something to blush over.
She stared into his face, a faraway look in her mystical blue eyes. Krys was taken aback at her sudden curiosity. She
moved over, studying him.
His eyes rested upon her soft, beautiful face. Her tongue darted out, wetting her lower lip. She was so close that he
could lean over and kiss her. But he was rational enough to know this wasn t the time or place for that. His insides
quivering, Krys mustered up all the bravado he could manage and asked in a racy, demanding tone, Can I help you
with something?
Her cheeks flushed a brighter shade of pink. Her big blue eyes couldn t hide her embarrassment.
Krys felt a twinge of guilt. Blast it all, just because it had been months since he d spent any quality time with a
woman didn t give him the right to harass her.
She finally spoke again. What are your names?
Jaret swept his arms out, moving down on one knee in some silly gesture. Lyn, ma am. At your service. And that is
my partner, Darian.
And? She was staring at him, all too curious.
You could call me Star Pirate Lyn.
She didn t seem to catch Jaret s attempt at humor. She was still staring at him. When he refused to acknowledge her
questioning gaze, she looked to Jaret. And your ... friend?
When Krys refused to speak, Jaret did for him. Just Darian. And, friend or not, if he continues to be offensive, I ll
knock him in the head for you.
Judging by their little spy s grin, she was pleased at the thought. Krys leveled a look of warning on Jaret.
Now we are at a disadvantage, Jaret said.
When she didn t immediately speak, Krys cleared his throat. Lyn means ... who are you?
Her gaze darted to his. She was definitely nervous about something. A little too nervous if she was really their intended
contact. Dena et Lyksandr.
Danette Like Zander? Jaret s clumsy attempt to mimic the woman grated on his ears.
No, Dena et Lyksandr, she said again, speaking slowly. Her smooth voice flowed in an exotic drawl. Listening to
her made the English language sound out of the ordinary.
Well then, Danette, Jaret continued. What are you doing here?
Dena sighed, shaking her head slightly. Elder Lyksandr was to have met you, he s a relation of mine. He sent me in
his stead.
Good enough, Jaret said, holding his hand up to stop Krys from speaking. Sounds like she s the old shaman s
This word shaman, what does it mean? she asked.
Shamans, or medicine men, were part of many cultural groups on Old Earth, Jaret started, slipping into another
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Starlit Destiny
boring monologue that had Krys eyes rolling. It was believed that a shaman could commune with the spirit world.
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