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Why do I fear he is not referring to her loyalty to our Family? Her decision, Father?
Thoman raised his eyebrows. Of course. I expected that the two of you would have
discussed this at length, given your meetings with her. I must say, I am very proud of your
actions, Son. He smiled, and Philip felt as if he had swallowed a block of ice. I assume the
two of you came to a conclusion on her replacement?
Philip was incapable of coherent speech. Replacement?
Naturally. King Taureas is an important ally, and we cannot afford to be without an
Envoy in his Court. Thoman leaned forward expectantly. Who will be replacing Bryane as
Envoy now that she has agreed to return to this Court?
I have missed you, Cauld whispered against her hair, and Bryane closed her eyes to
hide her tears.
Davis A Matter of Tradition 39
No more than I have missed you, Father.
He held her away, looking her over as if for the first time. Pride gleamed in his eyes, and
she could actually see him puffing out his chest. You have grown these past years. I see more
of your mother in your face than I ever did, indeed every hoped to see, given your temperamental
tongue. She smiled, and he tapped a finger against her nose. And such joy in your expression.
The South has been good to you.
King Taureas is a fair and just man. He treats me as he would his own child. His Court
is pleasant, though not entirely the same as our own Valtan. He made me as comfortable as
possible, and he respected my wishes when I would feel conflicted over a matter.
Then I must convey my thanks to him. He tucked her hand into his arm, drawing her
away from Nikoli.
She glanced back at him and nodded once to reassure him that he could leave. Vlad
would not dare to approach me now. I would be happy to deliver the message to him, when I
He laughed indulgently, and she frowned. Ah, I have missed your humor, Daughter.
The manor has been dreadfully dull since your departure. Ah, and empty, too. You know that
your sister Lorelei wed Wilhem Sairis?
Yes, Father. I have spoken with all of my sisters and met my new nieces, nephew, and
brothers-in-law. She searched for a sign of the cat, but it had disappeared, and her mind was
curiously blank. Your Majesty? There was no answer.
Good, good, I am glad to hear it. I had hoped that they would have approached you by
now, to make their own amends. Now, with all ruffled feathers smoothed, they will be able to
help you.
Father, what do I need help with? she asked carefully.
He paused and looked at her, frowning. The wedding, of course. A cry of protest
lodged in her throat as he patted her hand and continued, smiling softly. At the time, I doubted
the need for you to flee to Taureas s Kingdom, but if these five years past have given you the
time to consider reason, then I do not begrudge them. I rather wish you had come to your senses
sooner, but you have always had an independent mind. He arched his eyebrows and tapped her
hand disapprovingly. You are very lucky that Vlad has remained not only unwed, but still
enchanted with you.
The cat s words drifted back to her, the delight at her father s first kind words
relinquishing its hold on her thoughts: You need to leave this Kingdom. Vlad told you I
accepted his proposal? she whispered.
This morning, immediately after I spoke with Prince Thoman about your position as
Envoy. He told me that you approached him yesterday afternoon, apologizing for your previous
accusations and behavior. He leveled a stern glance at her. You are very lucky Vlad is not the
sort of man to harbor a grudge, Bryane.
Yes, lucky, she thought numbly. She heard nothing more as her father walked her through
the gardens.
How much time will I have? Bryane crouched inside of the hidden doorway, watching
for any sign of movement in the stalls.
Davis A Matter of Tradition 40
At least until morning, I should think. The cat s tail snapped back and forth, lashing
softly against her legs. A cry could be raised tonight, but with the Feast taking place, it s
unlikely. Morning, when Vlad or your father comes searching for you, an alarm will go
I can reach the border by then, at least, though not Taureas s Kingdom. She sighed,
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