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Question: Venerable Master, we have heard that in some gospels, the Great Kabir Jesus
said, You are Children of Satan, but not children of God. Can you explain this to us?
Answer: Distinguished gentleman, I hear your question and with great pleasure I hasten
to answer you.
Obviously, all of us are children of the dragon, of Satan, of the Devil, of the darkness.
If one wants to become a son of God, he should defeat the dragon, the tempter, the scaly
creature; then we will have been transformed into children of God and into dragons of
However, the Great Kabir Jesus never cursed his shadow; in none of the four gospels is it
written that Jesus would have extended his right hand to curse his own shadow.
When Jesus, the great Gnostic Priest, was tempted by Satan, he only exclaimed:
Satan, Satan, it is written that you shall not tempt the Lord, thy God and only Him will
you obey.
It is then clear that Satan, Lucifer-Prometheus, should obey God; his duty is tempting the
Initiate, it would be absurd that the shadow of the Eternal one tempt the Eternal one or in
other words, that the Devil tempt God.
It is clearly seen in the words of t Great Kabir Jesus, that Lucifer is the minister of the
Most High, the guardian of the seven mansions, the servant of the divinity.
Those who anathematize the shadow of the Eternal living God obviously are
anathematizing the same God, because God and his shadow are one, is that understood?
Question: Master, would it not be that that same Devil of dogmatic orthodoxy with his
horns, tail and trident, exists in reality as a representation of the psychic aggregates that
constitute the ego.
Answer: Distinguished gentleman, I have already said in past lectures that we should n a
clear differentiation between what the Divine Daimon is and what the ego is.
Yes There Is Hell, Evil, Karma Samael Aun Weor
Undoubtedly, the ego in itself with all its psychic aggregates is perverted astral light,
malignant mind; it has nothing to do with Lucifer. It is rather, more the antithesis of him,
his fatal opposite.
Question: I understand I that the Divine Daimon and the ego are totally different but
since the latter is formed by the red devils of Seth I believe that the devil that we all
know, of the trident, could well represent the ego. Don t you think so?
Answer: Distinguished gentleman, the basis for your question is mistaken, it is founded
on an error, on a prejudice; I don t know why, ladies and gentlemen, one has wanted to
convert a flying reptile of ancient Atlantis into a malignant fetish.
Idonotthinkitiscoctthatsuchanerrorserveasthebasisforaquestion;Ido not agree with a poor
innocent amphibian having to forcibly represent the perversity of the ego.
I agree that such a reptile symbolizes the shadow of the Eternal One, but that it
allegorizes our psychological defects, frankly seems to me incongruent.
We could very well allegorize the ego in any other manner; let us remember the three
classic furies or the Medusa, etc. With such classic figures, we can symbolize the ego and
its psychic aggregates.
Question: Master, the Catholic religion, for example, does not put the dragon as a devil
but represents him as a man with horns, tail, hooves and trident What can you tell me
about this?
Answer: Here in the audience I see a lady that has asked a very interesting question and
it is clear that I will answer with complete clarity.
Ladies and gentlemen, this Devil of the Catholic religion is nothing more than a deviation
of the same pictorial dragon of the Chaldeans, inspired by a poor flying reptile of the
continent of Atlantis.
I invite you to comprehend that this innocent animal was later painted in the form of a
dragon and finally, in the most recent figure of that fetish, with hooves, horns and black
wings that terrifies ignorant persons so much.
It is necessary to get rid of ignorance, to inquire, investigate, to study.
Question: Venerable Master, when one talks about the science of good and evil, what
does evil really mean and what does good mean?
Answer: This question that comes from the audience seems tome very interesting and I
am pleased to answer it.
Friends, I want you to know that good in the most objective sense of the word is all of
what we do consciously and in accordance with the great law and evil is all of that that
after it is done causes remorse in us.
Question: Master, there are many people who although they do evil, this does not cause
them to feel remorse. Before all else, what is remorse?
If the transcendental aspects of our Inner Being confront themselves with our own Logoi
or with the Sacred Absolute Sun, then we can verify for ourselves the psychological
errors of the inferior parts of our psyche, and this causes remorse in us.
Normally the mentioned process, that is, what I have just stated, is carried out in all
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