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was proud when it took him less than five minutes. Laurie still seemed happy, despite his loss, and
Jonah couldn t resist sneaking in a good luck kiss of his own.
He went off to find a hiding place as Laurie began to call out numbers from his position near their
picnic blanket. Eventually he decided on the old barn. It might have been an obvious choice and that
explained why Laurie had avoided it but Jonah had never said that he didn t want to be found. In
fact, he was more than a little excited by the thought of what Laurie might ask of him when he lost.
Smirking to himself, he walked to the farthest stall from the door and settled down to wait. Come and
find me.
It took Laurie all of five seconds to figure out where Jonah had gone. He shook his head and crouched
to grab one of the water bottles from the picnic basket. Let the kid sweat it out for a few minutes, he
thought as he drained half the contents in one long gulp. Jonah was so transparent. It was kind of cute,
really, and Laurie was totally willing to play along. Between work and school, he didn t have very
much time for fun. Jonah was undeniably that. Not to mention sexy as hell. Laurie couldn t remember
ever having reacted to anyone so strongly and they hadn t even had full-on sex yet. At the rate they
were going, Laurie wondered if he d survive it when they did. Damn if it wouldn t be worth the
sacrifice one way or another.
Laurie tossed the water bottle back into the basket, and made his way to the barn. He tried to keep his
steps light as he checked the stalls, but by the time he neared the last one, he knew that if Jonah was
there, he d probably heard him coming. His suspicions were confirmed when he paused a couple of
feet away and Jonah suddenly shot out of the stall and ran past him. Laurie burst out laughing and spun
around to give chase.
He caught Jonah just outside the barn door. Jonah feinted left and then tried to bolt in the opposite
direction, but Laurie was ready for him. He blocked Jonah s escape and crowded him until he d
backed Jonah against one of the barn s exterior walls.
Jonah s face was flushed. He grinned as Laurie braced an arm on either side of his shoulders. Guess
you found me, he said, reaching out to set his hands on Laurie s hips. So what are you going to do
with me now?
Laurie made a valiant effort at resisting as Jonah tried to pull him closer, but the sight of Jonah s
tongue slicking across his lower lip had him caving faster than a house of cards in a monsoon. He
traced the same path it had taken and then nibbled at the corner of Jonah s mouth. You re a little
cheat. Running is against the rules, didn t you know?
Jonah s soft, breathy laugh made Laurie s cock twitch. Maybe you should punish me then.
Laurie slipped one of his thighs between Jonah s legs and had to bite back a groan when Jonah
immediately started to rub against him. Yeah? Would you like that?
Jonah shuddered, his eyelids drooping shut. Yeah. I think I would.
So maybe I shouldn t then, Laurie said, even as he reached down to cup Jonah s ass and drag him
even closer. Wouldn t be much of a punishment if you enjoyed it, would it?
Jonah s grip on his hips tightened, urging Laurie to move faster. Do whatever you like. Later.
Yeah. Laurie gave in to him, loving the way Jonah trembled and moaned as the speed of their
movements increased. Later.
.: 5 :.
So who all is going to be at this thing?
It s a rave, Jo. You never know who s gonna show up.
Laurie glanced over his shoulder at Jonah, who sat alone in the backseat of Marc s Intrepid as Marc
navigated the unnamed country roads that led deeper into the hilly forest at the edge of town. Jonah
gave him a tiny, suggestive smile as Marc kept talking. Laurie shook his head, but couldn t help
smiling back. He and Jonah together at a party in the woods where alcohol and Lord only knew what
other mind-altering substances would be available probably wasn t the best idea, but when one of the
fly-fishing guides had told them about the rave, he never once considered leaving Jonah behind.
Outside of work, they hadn t spent much time apart since their picnic last week. Jonah was still in
possession of his V-card, as he liked to call it, but that was a mere technicality in Laurie s opinion
since they d done just about everything else.
As hot as all of the fooling around was, Laurie knew this thing they d started had already gone beyond
that. He wasn t sure exactly when it d happened, but there d been a moment the day before when
Laurie looked at Jonah and realized he wasn t just some friend with benefits anymore, if he ever had
been in the first place. They were in a relationship. Without either one of them really acknowledging
it, they d become a couple. Because people in sex-only arrangements didn t spend hours and hours
just talking, didn t hold hands and snuggle at the movies, didn t fall asleep wrapped in each other s
arms after nothing more than a few kisses. And they definitely didn t look at each other the way that
Jonah looked at him.
Laurie was surprised their co-workers or Jonah s grandparents hadn t caught on. For him, the
affection in Jonah s face whenever their eyes met was blindingly obvious. If Marc hadn t known what
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