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- James Axler Outlander 00 Devil in the Moon
- 047. Carlisle Donna Na łasce żywiołów
- Harris Robert Pompeja
- Harry Turtledove Crosstime 04 The Disunited States of America (v1.0)
- Fred Saberhagen Berserker 03 Berserker's Planet
- Billionaire Bachelors 2 The Billionaire's Dance
- A.J.Quinnell Reporter
- Harlequin One Woman Crusade Emma Darcy 1991
- Charles de Remusat Abelard, Tome I
- Dz.U.98.21.94
- zanotowane.pl
- doc.pisz.pl
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- vonharden.keep.pl
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wandered from his broad shoulders, to his rippling stomach muscles, and back to the
prominent chest muscles which rose and fell with each successive breath he took.
Her hypnosis ended as she caught sight of the glass goblet filled with a golden
liquid that he dangled above her. Cocking her head to one side, her curiosity finally got
the better of her.
What is that, my lord? she asked.
Amber pleasure, my lady, he responded huskily. Actually, it s honey, my
sweet. Leaning farther over her, he tipped the small decanter until the golden liquid
poured lazily out of the bottle and trickled down her body. He started with her arms and
continued on until he had covered her breasts, stomach and legs with the nectar.
After kissing her passionately, he slowly trailed wet kisses along the column of
her neck, sending shivers through her entire body. Her head instinctively bent back,
granting him access to her throat and shoulders. He obliged by kissing her sensuously
under the chin, along her jaw, and down her throat until he reached her breasts, where he
began a meticulous routine of licking the amber sweetness off her body. She was
submerged in sensations and moaned in satisfaction. It was not until he licked her breasts
and nipples that she lost all composure and thrashed about, moaning uncontrollably.
Her mind was awash with lust as he suckled her nipples, taking the entire areola
in his mouth, and simultaneously fondled the other breast with his hand. At this point she
could contain herself no longer and cried out.
He slowly moved to lick one arm and then the other until both were clean,
spending an inordinate amount of time at crucial areas such as her elbows and wrists.
Slowing his progress, he licked delicately at the highly sensitive spots beneath her arms
and the tender, yet highly erogenous, area at the sides of her breasts. She shuddered and
almost convulsed. He returned to her breasts, kissing each peaking nipple on his way to
her sensitive stomach.
Elizabeth was almost mindless with frenzied passion as she felt him lick and kiss
her stomach, swirling his tongue sensually in her naval until she writhed. She felt the
trickle of warm juices flowing from her inner core and moistening her thighs and
Traveling still lower, he licked his way down one creamy thigh, to her knee, and
finally to her ankle. Transferring to the other leg, he started at her ankle and made his
way upwards towards her most feminine place. She became embarrassed by her state of
wetness and attempted to grab his head to halt his obvious target.
No, my lovely, you will enjoy this.
Undeterred by her contortions, he laved the golden hued sweetness from her
nether lips. Spreading them with one hand, he concentrated on the hooded nub which
already felt swollen and distended from his relentless fondling. He probed her creamy
receptacle with his inquiring tongue, eagerly lapping at her feminine fluid. Elizabeth
tossed her head from side to side, licking her lips in a passionate response to his toying.
She gazed curiously at the dark head as it remained between her parted thighs.
And then, as he lapped at her swollen nub, one large male finger was inserted into
her woman s orifice. It did not proceed very far, but swirled around the sensitive interior
of her virginal cavity. She shuddered and gasped at the intrusion. Fear for her virginity
held her still, yet the merciless licking at the bud of her erotic center caused her to bite
her lip and wait for the imminent explosion of sensations.
Please, Lucas, please, she weakly begged.
Please what, my sweet? Just tell me what you want, and I will happily comply,
he answered huskily.
In truth, she had no idea what it was that she wanted. She only knew that this
sweet torture had to end. She needed relief.
Sliding his long body up hers, he lay partially over her with his male hardness
securely pressed against her belly. He remained braced upon his elbows yet allowed his
chest to press seductively onto her breasts. He lowered his face to within inches of hers
and stared beguilingly into her eyes. As had happened before, a strange feeling made her
heart flutter and her breath quicken. She parted her lips, panting with sexual excitement.
Staring into his eyes intently, she thought she saw a softening of his expression as he
gazed down at her.
Perhaps she could save her virginity, after all. Although it probably didn t matter
since her reputation was ruined. With each successive encounter they were becoming
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