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with an advanced degree in xxxxx from example university
She was curious to see if this had any scientific effect
on the human bodies metabolism.
She was determined to find out the Who, What,
Where, When and Why to this peculiar eating habit.
Well, I can tell you, I have known Jamie
a long time and when she wants to learn
something, she learns it!
(One of the most determined people I know)
Long story short, she figured out that it
was the peculiar eating habit
that was keeping all these people so skinny!
This simple eating habit DID affect metabolism!
When she finally told me, I was shocked!
I would have never guessed.
This was such a cool and easy non-fad eating habit,
that I had to share it with you.(you would have killed
me, if you found I didn’t share this)
Matt Stevens Copyright 2012
Click here to check it out!
PLUS, she even learned of a
sneaky way to eat high fat foods
while limiting the amount of fat
that gets absorbed in the body (South American secret)
If I were you I would check this book out
ASAP, because I believe she is only selling a
limited amount of copies.
(something to do with short supply of certain foods)
To Health & Success,
Matt Stevens
Internet Marketing Anti-Guru
P.S. If you're tired of fad diets and want to know the
weight loss “secrets” that 90% of South Americans use
Naturally without even knowing it, then click here while
supplies last. The first 100 customers will ALSO receive a FREE
Surprise Gift!
Matt Stevens Copyright 2012
Complimentary Swipe File
Feel free to modify, copy and paste or do whatever you like
with these subject lines.(just make some money with em ;)
Some are tested and proven to be winners, others are brand new
and never before used.
Just make sure when using them, that you tie in the email copy
so that it justifies using the given subject line that you chose.
Enjoy :)
This ONE is for You..
Give something away for free with this one. Send to a instant
download (make it good) Simple content, with no strings
Your Presence is Requested.
Ask them for their opinion. Everyone likes to be valued for their
opinion (think survey)
Have You seen This?
Write an email about a brand new study that just came
out...something NEW and obviously related to their interests. You
can send them to your blog article or if you don’t have one then
to another article. (try to keep them in house as much as you can
Matt Stevens Copyright 2012
Would You Say “YES” to This?
Ask a question about something that is being done in the
community... Write in a way that asks them for their opinion..gets
them thinking.
It can be a question that has people debating both sides “Would
you say Yes to liposuction on your eyelids?...New study says
thousands of people are now doing this!”
This is About Our Appointment
You can use this when someone has signed up for a webinar,
seminar or any other live event. Use it to introduce something
that might be of value and that they could use when attending the
event..A really cool piece of software perhaps.
It’s Not Your Fault
Write an US against THEM email...How the "gurus" have been
keeping this new awesome information from you. Use this to
introduce a cool new product.
Straight benefits email...Talk about new chatter of an
update...there’s always talk of another Google update similar to
penguin and panda, and people cant help but to read about these
emails, especially in the IM community.
These Guru's Did it Again!
This can be another Us against THEM email. Use it describe super
hyped sales letter or email you received. Use this to teach the
reader something. (guru is commonly associated with MMO niche,
not necessarily all niches)
Matt Stevens Copyright 2012
How to Get 12 Hours Out of an 8-hour Day
Use this to tell them about some efficiency tips. Everyone likes to
be more productive and get more things done in less time.
The Lazy Mans Secret To (fill in the blank)
You can use this in whatever niche you want. The lazy mans
secret to 6 pack abs in 20 days..etc..then introduce the product.
Or make a joke about lazy mans “something” and tell them that
nothing good comes by being lazy...play with it.
3 Unique Adsense Tips
This is self explanatory...People love Adsense tips, and lists. Why
not combine them.
Two For Tuesday
Give them 2 tips or pieces of advice. You can also offer them 2
products that work in tandem.
Does Your Landing Page Pass This Test?
People hate tests and most worry when it comes to passing them,
so this will pique their interest and they will want to read to see if
they “pass the test.
Use this with anything. Does Your “Website”, “Weight Loss Plan”,
“Retirement Plan” “Adsense Campaign” Etc...Pass This Test?
Free Guide: (insert benefits of guide here)
Put whatever guide you want here. “Free Guide: 10 Best Fat
Busting Foods of 2012”
Matt Stevens Copyright 2012
AdWords: Do You Deliver The Right Message?
Introduce some ways for people to improve their AdWords
campaign. Everyone loves to save money. This also strikes a little
fear that they might not be running their campaign efficiently.
Fear subject lines work really well.
Top 8 under $8
This is a great way to introduce 8 products under 8 dollars. Make
sure you only use this once in a blue moon. The products have to
be great content and relevant to the niche.
Holiday Special!
Use the holidays to offer something special...a bonus, gift or
discounted product. Use this email a week before the actual
[Product name] Promotion week. Save 30%
Use this when you have a product launch.
Subscriber Exclusive: [Product name]is Here
Use this to promote a new product and you want to give your
“valued customers” a special price. Make em feel special.
Avoid Heartbreak this Valentine's
Use this around Valentines day. Can be used in many ways with
numerous niches.
Santa Worked His Magic On This One
Matt Stevens Copyright 2012
Use this around Christmas to introduce a hot new product.
I'm Sorry About My Mistake
If you sent a bad email or did something worth apologizing for,
send this email. If you didn’t really make a mistake but you forgot
to do something that is beneficial to the subscriber, you can send
this type of email as well.
5 Exercise Tips To Ignore!
You can substitute exercise with just about anything. Switch up
the number as well. “4 ____Tips to Ignore!”
7 Things You Probably Don't Know About Emails
Another list..use two sets of bullet points. Provide a product at the
end of it that can help them with sending emails..or writing
them...such as this book ;)
3 Scary Ways AdSense Can Kill You!
“Okay, This cant kill you, but using these Adsense tactics can kill
your relationship with Google.” etc.. (headline)
How to start making money online... today!
Give them a free guide or lay it out in the email body itself..great
for newbies.
Fix Your Hair Loss Fast. Learn how...
This is an urgency subject line...state the problem and provide a
sense of urgency..then pay off the problem with a great solution.
(replace hair loss with anything you want)
Matt Stevens Copyright 2012
Why I Hate Robots!
Goal of this email is to spark curiosity. Why I hate anything...
I hate robots because they can hurt my link building
efforts..etc...Google will slap me if I use them...etc etc..
Who Is Your Biggest Competitor?
This where you can let them know who their biggest competition
is. Maybe its themselves? Maybe its a product they already use,
and that’s why they need a new one.
Starting Out On The “Right Foot”
This is where you can send your first email explaining and setting
the expectations of how you will be sending them emails and what
they can expect from you going forward.
This is like CHEATING
Use this to showcase a new product that saves time or money.
Get More Respect By (doing this)
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