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comes from spirit, in a sense everything is spiritual. Spiritual energy
is the source and can exist without the material energy. But the
material energy has no existence without the spiritual energy. It is
correct to say that darkness begins from light, not that light begins
from darkness. Scientists think that consciousness comes from matter.
Actually, consciousness always exists, but when it is covered or
degraded by ignorance, it is a form of unconsciousness. So "material"
means forgetfulness of Krsna, and "spiritual" means full consciousness
of Krsna. Is this clear? Try to understand: darkness comes from light.
When no light is visible, then we are in darkness. Clouds are not to be
found in the sun; that would be against the nature of the sun. But by
the energy of the sun other things are temporarily created, such as
mist, clouds or darkness. These creations are temporary, but the sun
remains. Similarly, material nature is temporary, but spiritual nature
is permanent. Krsna consciousness means getting out of this temporary
nature and attaining a permanent, spiritual nature. No one actually
wants this temporary nature; no one likes this cloudy atmosphere.
Dr. Singh. is this cloudy consciousness created from spiritual energy?
Srila Prabhupada. Yes.
Dr. Singh. And matter is also created from the superior energy?
Srila Prabhupada. Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate. Krsna
says, "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything
emanates from Me." (Bg. 8.10) Krsna is the creator of everything, bad or
good. Actually, "bad and good" is a material creation. Krsna's creation
is good; God is good. What you think is bad is good for God. Therefore,
we cannot understand Krsna. He is doing something that in our
consideration may be bad, but for Him there is no such thing as good or
bad. For example, Krsna married sixteen thousand wives. Some people may
criticize, "Ah, He is so mad after women." But they do not see the whole
picture. Krsna's power is so great that He expanded Himself into sixteen
thousand different husbands.
"Everything Is One" Is Nonsense
Dr. Singh. You said this mist of material nature is temporary. But why
should we bother to disentangle ourselves from something transitory?
Srila Prabhupada. Why do you put coverings on your body? You may walk
naked. The weather will clear in a few hours. Why do you cover yourself?
Dr. Singh. The danger is now.
Srila Prabhupada. Whenever it may be, why do you take this step of
covering your body?
Dr. Singh. To avoid discomfort.
Srila Prabhupada. Yes. Otherwise you would be uncomfortable. Not to
bother to dress is the Mayavada theory: "Everything will come
automatically, so why bother? Everything is one." That is a nonsensical
theory. The Mayavada philosophy is that God is one and that every thing
and every living being is equal to God.
We have no quarrel with the chemists if they begin from life, but
unfortunately they say that everything begins from darkness--dead
matter. That is what we object to. We say, "Begin from life," and they
say, "No, begin from matter--darkness." The reason they are in darkness
is simple: if one goes from darkness to light, he thinks that darkness
is the beginning. Suppose you have been in darkness all your life, and
now you suddenly come into the light. You will think, "Oh, light has
come from darkness." Actually, darkness occurs when light becomes dim.
Darkness does not produce light.
Dr. Singh. Then darkness is dependent on light?
Srila Prabhupada. Yes. Or in other words, in the light there is no
darkness. When the light is dim--then we experience darkness. Similarly,
when our spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, is dim, our
consciousness is material. In the morning we awaken, and at the end of
the day we become tired and go to sleep. When life is somehow or other
interrupted, we sleep. We sleep at night, and when we get up in the
morning we understand that our wakefulness, or "life," has not come into
existence from the sleepy condition. I was alive even while I slept, and
on awakening I am still alive. This should be clearly understood. A baby
comes from the womb of his mother. He thinks that his life has begun
from the day he comes out of the womb. But that is not a fact. Actually,
he is eternal. He constructed his material body within the womb of his
mother while he was unconscious, and as soon as his bodily features were
sufficiently developed, he came out of the womb and again to
Dr. Singh. And he again falls asleep at death.
Srila Prabhupada. Yes. That is described in Bhagavad-gita (8.19):
bhuta-gramah sa evayam
bhutva bhutva praliyate
ratry-agame 'vasah partha
prabha vaty ahar-agame
"Again and again the day comes, and this host of beings is active,
and again night falls, O Partha, and they are helplessly dissolved."
We Are Not These Bodies
Srila Prabhupada. Do you see this flower? It has come back to
consciousness, and soon it will dry up and die. This is material life.
But spiritual life means to flower only--no dissolution. That is the
difference between matter and spirit. I have achieved this body
according to my consciousness in my last life. And I will receive my
next body according to my consciousness in this life. This is also
confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (8.6):
yam yam vapi smaran bhavam
tyajaty ante kalevaram
tam tam evaiti kaunteya
sada tad-bhava-bhavitah
"Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that
state he will attain without fail."
Dr. Singh. Srila Prabhupada, if our next body is always achieved by our
consciousness in this life, how is it that I cannot remember my previous
Srila Prabhupada. Do you remember everything you did last year, or even
Dr. Singh. No, I don't.
Srila Prabhupada. That is your nature: you forget.
Dr. Singh. Some things.
Srila Prabhupada. And somebody forgets more than others. But we all
Dr. Singh. Is that a principle of material nature?
Srila Prabhupada. Yes. It is something like stealing. Somebody is a
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