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never admit that he is dreaming, and that his Conscience is asleep.
If someone was to awaken, he would feel terribly ashamed of himself, he would
immediately understand his tomfoolery, his own ridicule. This life is frightfully
ridiculous, horribly tragic, and rarely sublime.
If a boxer in the middle of a fight was to awaken all of a sudden, he would feel
ashamed before the honourable public and would flee from the horrible spectable
before the astonishment of the asleep and unconscious multitudes. When a human
being admits he has his Conscience asleep, you can be sure he has already begun to
The reactionary schools of old-fashioned Psychology that deny the existence of the
Conscience and even declare the term useless, reveal a most profound state of
Fundamental Education Samael Aun Weor
sleep. The henchmen of such schools sleep very profoundly in a practically infra
and unconscious state.
Those who confuse the Conscience with psychological functions, thoughts, feelings,
motor impulses and sensations, are in fact very unconscious and they sleep
Those who admit the existence of the Conscience but flatly deny the different
degrees of Consciousness, revel lack of conscious experience and sleep of the
Every person who has, at least once, momentarily awakened, knows very well by
personal experience that different degrees of observable consciousness exist in
First: Time; how long did we remain conscious?
Second: Frequency; how many times have we awakened consciousness?
Third: Amplitude and Penetration; what was one conscious of?
Revolutionary Psychology and the ancient Philokalia affirm that through super
efforts of a special kind, consciousness can be awakened and made continuous and
Fundamental Education has the aim of awakening the Conscience. Ten or fifteen
years of study in school, college and university are useless if when leaving the
classrooms we are sleeping machines.
It is not an exaggeration to affirm that through some great effort, the intellectual
animal can become conscious of himself for at least a couple of minutes.
Clearly, today there are rare exceptions, that we must seek with the torch of
Diogenes. Such rare cases are represented by the Authentic Men: Buddha, Jesus,
Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, etc.
These founders of religions possessed continuous consciousness. They were great
enlightened men.
Normally, people are not conscious of themselves. The illusion of being conscious
in a continuous way is born from the memory and all processes of thought.
A man who practices a retrospective exercise to remember his entire life can truly
recall, remember the number of times he married, how many children he begot,
who his parents were, his teachers, etc. However this does not mean awakening of
consciousness. This is simply remembering unconscious actions and that is all.
Fundamental Education Samael Aun Weor
It is necessary to repeat what we have said in preceding chapters. There are four
states of Conscience: Sleep, Waking State, Self-Consciousness and Objective
The poor intellectual animal mistakenly called man lives in two of these states only.
One part of his life goes by in sleep and the other, in the wrongly called waking
State, which is also sleep.
A man who sleeps and dreams, believes that he awakens by merely returning to the
Waking State, but in reality, during this Waking State he continues dreaming.
This is similar to sunrise, the stars become hidden due to the sunlight, but they
continue to exist even when the physical eyes cannot perceive them.
In normal life, a human being knows nothing of consciousness of himself and much
less of Objective Consciousness.
Nevertheless, people are proud and everyone thinks he or she is conscious of
himself or herself. The intellectual animal firmly believe that he has consciousness
of himself and under no circumstances would he accept to be told that he is asleep
and that he lives unconscious of himself.
There are exceptional moments when the intellectual animal awakens, but these
moments are very rare. They can occur in an instance of great danger, during and
intense emotion, in some new circumstance, in some new unexpected situation,
It is truly a disgrace for the intellectual animal not to have any control over those
fleeting states of consciousness and that he cannot evoke them and make them
Nevertheless, Fundamental Education affirms that a man can achieve control over
Consciousness and acquire Self-Consciousness.
Revolutionary Psychology has methods, scientific processes, to awaken Conscience.
If we want to awaken Conscience, we need to start examining, studying and then
eliminating all those obstacles that appear on the path. In this book we have taught
the path to awakening Conscience starting from school desks.
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