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the pair would have looked quite at home drinking ale in a tavern. The lesser races saw the dragons as
either monstrous beasts or dignified founts of wisdom, when in truth their characters were in some ways
as earthy as the tiny creatures over which they watched.
Neltharion s eyes flickered past Malygos, meeting, however briefly, Krasus s.
And in that moment of contact, Krasus realized that all he and the others had seen so far of the black at
this gathering had been a charade.
The darkness had already descended upon the Earth Warder.
Not possible, not possible!Krasus insisted, barely able to keep his expression neutral.Not now! It was
too soon, too delicate a point in time for the transformation of Neltharion to Deathwing to begin. The
Aspects needed to be united, not only to join against the coming invasion, but to deal with the disruptions
of time caused by Krasus and his former student. Surely he had been mistaken about the black leviathan.
Surely Neltharion was still one of the fabled protectors of the mortal plane.
Krasus cursed his feeble memory. Whenhad Neltharion turned to betrayal? Whenhad he forever
become the bane of all other living creatures? Was it meant to be now or had Neltharion worked with his
comrades even though darkness had already claimed him?
The cowled mage could not help but stare at the Earth Warder. Despite his own oath, Krasus began to
think that perhaps here he had to bend the rules. How could it do anything but good to unveil the villain in
the Aspects midst? How
Once more Neltharion glanced his way& but this time the eyes did not leave Krasus s own.
And only then did Krasus discover that Neltharion in turn saw the recognition in him, only then did he
realize that the black dragon understood that here was one who could reveal his terrible secret.
Krasus tried to look away, but his eyes were held fast. Too late he realized the cause of that. The Earth
Warder, having seen that he had been found out, had acted quickly and decisively. He now held Krasus
with his power as easily as he breathed.
I will not fall to him!Yet, despite his determination to escape, his will did not prove strong enough. Had
he been better prepared, Krasus could have battled Neltharion s mind, but the unexpected discovery had
left him wide open& and the black one had seized the opportunity.
You know me& but I do not know you.
The chilling voice filled his head. Krasus prayed that someone would notice what passed between the
pair, but to all appearances, everything passed as normal. It astounded him that not even his beloved
Alexstrasza recognized the terrible truth.
You would speak against me& make the others see me as youdo& you would have them distrust their
comrade of old& their brother&
The Earth Warder s words gave clear indication of how deep his madness had already become. Krasus
sensed within Neltharion a raging paranoia and an adamant belief that no one but the black dragon
understood what was good for the world. Anyone who seemed at all the slightest threat to him was, in
Neltharion s eyes, the true evil.
You will not be allowed to spread any of your malicious falsehoods&
Krasus expected to be struck down there and then, but, to his surprise, all Neltharion did was turn his
gaze away and resume his conversation with Malygos.
What games does he play?the dragon mage wondered.First he threatens me, then seems to forget my
He watched the black leviathan carefully, but Neltharion seemed entirely oblivious to him.
He is not coming, Ysera finally said.
He may still appear, suggested Alexstrasza.
Glancing at them, Krasus realized that they referred to Nozdormu.
No, I have been contacted by the one with whom I spoke. He cannot locate his master. The Timeless
One is somewhere beyond the mortal plane.
Ysera s news boded further ill. Knowing what he did of Nozdormu, Krasus suspected that the reason
that even the Timeless One s servants could not contact him was because of the anomaly. If, as Krasus
believed, Nozdormu held Time together all by himself, he would have needed to summon every instant of
his existence. Multiple Nozdormus would be battling Time& leaving no moment for this gathering.
Krasus s hopes dwindled further. Nozdormu lost and Neltharion mad&
I agree, then, Alexstrasza said, responding to Ysera s assessment. We shall go on without the full
Five. There is no rule that we cannot at least discuss the matter after the story is told, even if a course of
action cannot yet be taken.
Lowering his head, Korialstrasz allowed his rider to dismount. Keeping his expression guarded, Krasus
stepped out among the gathered giants, trying not to look at the Earth Warder. Alexstrasza s eyes
encouraged him, enough so that the dragon mage knew what he had to do.
I am one of you, he announced in a voice as booming as any of the leviathans surrounding him. My
true name is known to the Queen of Life, but for now I am simply Krasus!
He bellows well, this hatchling, Malygos jested.
Krasus faced him. This is not a time for humor, especially for you, Guardian of Magic! This is a time
when a balance is nigh upset! A terrible mistake, a distortion of reality, threatens everything& absolutely
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