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Voice Stress Analyzer N +2 to Human Perception, Interrogation skills 200 1 CP20
Sound Editing N +2 Awareness to overhear specific conversation 150 .5 CP20
Enhanced Hearing Range N Ability to hear super & subsonic ranges. SWx2 150 2 CP20
Wearman N Stereo music system 100 .5 CP20
Radar Detector N Beeps if radar encountered, fixes source (40%) 150 .5 CP20
Homing Tracer N Can follow tracer up to 1Km distant 200 .5 CP20
Tight Beam Radio Link N Allows untappable radio com within line of sight 200 1 CP20
Wide Band Radio Scanner N Picks up transmissions on all bands 100 2 CP20
Micro-recorder Link N Transmits to recorder in body or via plugs 100 .5 CP20
Digital Recording Link N Transmits sounds to a digital recorder 100 .5 CP20
Level Damper N Automatic noise compensation. -25% from SW 300 .5 CP20
Fax+ 1000 Alert N Alerts user to incoming faxes 100 0 Chr3
ShareChecker"! Link N Share information using T2, screen or audio 100 .5 ET
Standard Cyberarm CR 20/30 SDP, 4 option spaces, 1d6 punch 3000 2d6 CP20
Standard Cyberleg CR 20/30 SDP, 3 option spaces, 2d6 kick 2000 2d6 CP20
Artificial Shoulder Mount CR Mount up to 2 extra arms. 25 SDP 1500 2d6 CP20
Orbital Crystal Cyberarm CR 50/60 SDP, 4 option spaces, 1d6 punch 7000 2d6 Chr1
Orbital Crystal Cyberleg CR 50/60 SDP, 3 option spaces, 2d6 kick 6000 2d6 Chr1
Independent Cyberhand MA 1d10 crush, 7/10 SDP, 1 option space 750 1d6 Chr1
Romanova Cyberlegs CRx2 +1 to Wardrobe & Style 5000 4d6 Chr3
SuperSized Arm CR SDP 30/40, -2 REF, +1EV, 2d10/3d6, SP 20 4000+ 2d6 Chr3
Enable Cyberarm CR Early model. 23/33 SDP, REF -1 500 2d6+2 Chr3
Enable Cyberleg CR Early model. 28/35 SDP, REF -1, MA -2 700 3d6+3 Chr3
Soviet Cyberleg CR SDP 30/40, 3d10 kick, 5% failure, 2 spaces 875 2-3d6 Chr4
Soviet Cyberarm CR SDP 30/40, 3d6 punch, 2d10 crush, 5% failure 669 2-3d6 Chr4
Corvette Cyberlegs (basic) CR +3 MA, +1 on movement rolls 4500 3d6 Chr4
Corvette Cyberlegs (advan) CR/M +8 MA, +2 on movement rolls 5000/500 3d6+4 Chr4
Speeding Bullet Legs CRx2 MA 16, leap 10m, 1 option space left per leg 4500 4d6 SOF
SovWear Cyberarm CR 30/40 SDP, 3d6/6d6 damage, 3 spaces, UR 1000 2d6 SOF
SovWear Cyberleg CR 30/40 SDP, 6d6 kick, 2 spaces, UR 1500 2d6 SOF
Information © R.Talsorian Games Inc, Ianus Publications Inc, John A Nephew, Temporal Statis Productions,
& Prometheus Press Inc. All rights reserved. Collated by Andrew James 05/01/02. ajames@node16.co.uk
Cyberware Surg. Description Cost H.L Book
Biomechanical Arm CR 10/15 SDP, 1d6 punch, 1d6 crush, 1/2 dam normal NA 1d6 I1.2
Cyber Bar Leg CR Built in wet bar 3000 2d6 I1.3
Tentacle Arm CR 8x70 cm tentacles, SDP 5 each. SDP 20 shoulder 4000 5d6 I2.2
Extendable Tentacle Arm CR Same as above plus can extend to 150 cm 6000 5d6 I2.2
Quick Change Mount N Allows 1 turn changing of cyberlimb 200 2 CP20
Hydraulic Rams N SDP 30/40, 3x normal damage (1 space) 200 3 CP20
Thickened Myomar N SDP 25/35, 2x normal damage (1 space) 250 2 CP20
Reinforced Joints N SDP +5 200 1 CP20
Microwave/EMP shielding N Limb not as susceptible to EMP, Microwaves 300 1 CP20
Plastic Covering N In colors, transparent, etc 1-200 1 CP20
RealSkinn N Limb looks real. 70% effective (Diff Awareness) 200 -1d6/2 CP20
Superchrome N Highgloss metallic covering 200 3 CP20
Armor N Armors cyberlimb to SP 20 200 2 CP20
Leg Boosters N +3m leaps (2 spaces) 500 1d6 Chr3
Fleshweave M Takes 1 option space. +50% repair costs 200+20% 0 Chr3
Extra Twist Joint Addition N +2 Athletic type rolls, MArt Grapples & Escapes 30%,+10% 1 Chr4
Double-Jointed N +1 Grapple, Holds, Chokes, Escapes (.5 spaces) 1000 1d6/2 Chr4
Locking Joints N 25+ Strength Feat to move (.5 spaces) 100 .5 Chr4
360 Rotating Joints N +1 to Escaping, some TECH repairs (.5 spaces) 120 2 Chr4
Extending Leg Units N Alters height -1 to +3 ft. +1MA (2 spaces) 400 4 Chr4
Spiked Limb Cover N +1d6 grapple/holding damage 200 2 I1.4
Tentacle Arm Sheath N Hides tentacles, resembles cyberarm, 2 openings 800 0 I2.2
Standard Hand N Resembles normal hand 150 0 CP20
Ripper Hand N Standard hand with Rippers. 1d6+3* damage 600 2d6 CP20
HammerHand N Hydraulic Ram fist does 1d10 damage 600 2d6 CP20
BuzzHand N Electric chainsaw. 2d6+2* damage 600 2d6 CP20
Tool Hand N Fingers contain screwdriver, wrench, drill, etc 200 2 CP20
Grapple Hand N Extends rocket-propelled grapple, 30m line 350 3 CP20
Extension Hand N Hand extends up to 1m 350 2 CP20
Spike Hand N Palm spike. 1d6+3AP damage 500 2d6 CP20
Modular Hand N Choose any 4 modular tools 600 2 CP20
Mace Hand N 2d6+1/1d10-2 damage, 1m range 300 3 Chr1
Cyberhand Coverings N Same range as listed in for cyberlimbs 100 1/2 usual Chr1
Custom Cyberhand N Varies 900 Varies Chr2
Web Hand N +2 swim, +1-2m/turn, 1d6* damage 250 2 Chr3
IEC Venom Hand N 4 needles, slash for 1d6-1 damage 600 2d6 Chr3
Medical Modular Cyberhand N/MA Mono scalpel, air-hypo, stapler, probe ,etc 975 1d6/2 Chr4
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