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spend time there meditating and speaking to my husbands. They will
guide me and direct me, I know.
They sat in there in Orna s bedroom in silence for a long time
until Orna seemed quite calm. Finally Shiloah, Goa, and Stan returned
to their room. But Shiloah slept very lightly after that, and each time
she opened her eyes, she realized one or the other of the men was not
in bed. She guessed they were keeping watch over Orna and was once
again thrilled at how wonderfully caring they were. Tomorrow, they
had another full day of work ahead of them. But instead of insisting
on getting a good night s rest, they were caring for her mama. Such
wonderful, wonderful men. Her heart was almost bursting, it was so
full of love for them both.
* * * *
Possess Me 63
Shiloah offered to accompany her mama to the temple, but Orna
wanted to go alone. Shiloah just hoped she came back reconciled to
the situation. She knew Goa and Stan were serious about moving back
underground but also knew how very much they wanted this house
and the farm and truly believed they were safe here.
The community had a warning system installed so that the central
security department in the administration building always knew if
anyone approached any of the above-ground homes. Help would
reach them in a matter of minutes if anything ever did go wrong, day
or night. But the only people who had ever approached the houses had
been locals on legitimate calls, strangers who were genuinely lost, or,
on a few rare occasions, people who wanted to join the New
In deference to her mama s fears, Shiloah spent the day indoors
working on their business, catching up with paperwork, and shipping.
When the men came in for a midday meal, she said, I think I should
take Mama into Green Ridge with Anh, Chevaunne, and Kiri and
have a girls day out shopping and lunching. I think if she sees the
locals in a casual way, she may feel happier.
You don t think that may frighten her more? asked Stan.
No, I think if she is with a group of us, she ll feel safe.
All right, suggest that to her then.
* * * *
Orna seemed quite relaxed when she returned home that evening
and liked the idea of a girls day out, so the following day they
descended on the small township in a laughing, happy group. Anh
seldom left the underground community as most of her spare time was
spent with Honored Grandmother. But Kiri was known about town,
and Chevaunne also had made friends. Both Kiri and Chevaunne
made a point of introducing Shiloah and Orna as the new family on
Ugyen s farm, and many of the locals were pleased that the property
64 Berengaria Brown
would once more be producing crops. Several farmers wanted to talk
planting and crops with them, so Shiloah was glad she d paid some
attention to the men s discussions.
Over lunch at Chevaunne s favorite café, a couple of women came
up to speak to them, including a woman who bought their soaps and
loved their fragrances. Orna tensed when the soaps were mentioned,
but it soon became obvious the woman had no idea where they came
from or who made them. She just liked them and wanted to talk about
them. Orna relaxed, and soon, she was having an in-depth discussion
about various fragrances and even considering planting lavender and
jasmine bushes on the farm.
Shiloah enjoyed watching Kiri in George and Wang s store. It was
very evident how much she cared for the men and also what a great
deal she knew about the stock and the entire business. Shiloah had
never thought about it before, but Kiri was a born shopkeeper. She
loved meeting people and talking to them, had a flair for style and
layout, and was very fast with numbers. While she was giggling, her
fingers were flying over the computer keys, and she always knew
exactly what would suit a customer best.
Surreptitiously, Shiloah watched George and Wang. It seemed
that at last, Wang was looking at Kiri the way George did. Aha! It
would be awesome if they started to feel about her the way Shiloah
knew Kiri felt about them. Today s trip may have been doubly
beneficial, for Kiri as well as for Orna.
* * * *
That night, as the three were snuggling in bed, Shiloah told Goa
and Stan about their day out. I really believe Mama relaxed after she
saw the people weren t threatening. I think it was a good thing to do.
That s good, but if needs be, we ll move back into the
Possess Me 65
Thank you for that. I know how hard that ll be for you. But I m
hopeful it won t be necessary.
Gods, Shiloah, we d do anything for you. We love you, said
Goa, sliding on top of her and thrusting deep into her cunt.
It s no coincidence I call you precious. You re the most
precious thing I ve ever known, added Stan, his lips closing over a
nipple and sucking it into his hot, wet mouth.
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