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Saul's only reply was the pearl of pre-come that bubbled up
on the head of his ramrod straight cock.
Mercer's smile turned predatory and somewhat
commanding. "Put your pants on, Doctor."
Saul did.
And as soon as Saul did, Mercer Braun started taking his
own off. Jersey, pants, cleats, socks, jock strap, it all went.
And when it all went there was nothing left but a body so
damned perfect that Da Vinci couldn't have done it any
Without a word of explanation or direction, Mercer strode
over to the shower head attached to the base of the slide.
Turning the water on he stepped into it and began to quickly
scrub off the dirt from the baseball game that still clung to his
skin and hair. Even though he wasn't putting on a show doing
it, Saul caught himself graying out a couple of times as his
own cock started beating restlessly against the constraints of
his pants.
The water was suddenly turned off. Bending over at the
waist, Mercer shook his hair dry. Without bothering with the
towel that hung to the shower's side, the man strode right by
Saul's side, not offering a passing touch or even a glance, and
headed straight in to his patio doors.
Hard Wood, Soft Heart
by Chloe Stowe
Saul was quickly at his heels... the Tidewater cock leading
the way.
"We're going to take this slow." The word "slow" rolled off
his tongue like some kind of sugarcoated damnation. It was
as if he was saying, "Yes, expect this to be torture but you'll
be so high from the foreplay you won't really care."
All Saul could do was nod. The ability to produce words of
his own apparently had been sucked up in the vacuum left by
his brain cells deserting his head at mock speed heading
south. Mercer Braun standing in front of a person buck naked
would do that to any male appreciating man, especially a dick
loving man who was still cursed with a complete compliment
of clothes. Saul sighed. Hell, maybe cutting off all verbal
communication from his brain was a good thing.
"Let me do all the work," Mercer was talking again. The
breath that carried each low-riding syllable tickled the hollow
in Saul's neck. Tiny goose bumps rushed down past his
shoulders, down to his fingertips and his booted toes.
Once again, Saul nodded.
"First, I'm going to take these clothes off of you." The flat
steady heat of Mercer's palms settled on Saul's chest, the
warmth bleeding through the cotton of his shirt. The brown of
his eyes turned a speck richer as he confessed, "I want to see
your body."
Saul swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing so slowly in his
neck that it felt as if it was already drowning in the drug that
was Mercer Braun.
A look of complete, all-encompassing and hungry
concentration swept across Mercer's handsome face. He
Hard Wood, Soft Heart
by Chloe Stowe
looked now at Saul as if he were the last strip of New York
steak left in a world of gristle. His tongue slipped out and
made a slow though fevered run across his soft pink lips.
Saul shifted on his unsteady feet, his dick straining against
his underwear and pants. He fisted his hands against the side
of his legs, fighting the impulse to reach to his own fly and
release the beast being born there.
Mercer smiled, Saul's efforts of restraint clearly not having
gone unnoticed. "Easy," Mercer all but purred like some man-
eating cat, as his hands moved and cradled Saul's face within
the palms. "I'll take care of you, I swear."
Like a puppet on a master's string, Saul nodded again.
The hands deserted Saul's face, trailing down his neck and
slowly onto his collar and the tiny buttons holding the now
hated shirt on to his body. One by one the buttons were
released. Saul looked down at his chest, watching Mercer's
fingers weaving plastic through cotton with a keen
deliberateness that dried Saul's mouth.
Gently, Mercer pulled the tail of the shirt from the
waistband of Saul's pants, bringing the last remaining button
to bear. It too was quickly dispensed with.
"Better," Mercer spoke around a devilishly certain grin.
The slight chill of the air conditioned air fondled the strip of
exposed skin that ran down across Saul's chest and stomach.
He could feel the muscles of his pecs and abs contracting at
the touch of the phantom cold fingers. His nipples, though still
covered, hardened like river worn rocks awaiting a boy's
hands to play.
Saul bit his tongue to rein back the moan.
Hard Wood, Soft Heart
by Chloe Stowe
Suddenly, Mercer's lips were upon his in a feathery light
kiss that would have curled the toes of even Michelangelo's
marble David. The world swayed for a delirious moment. Then
just as suddenly the lips were gone, words replacing them.
"Don't hold back. I want to hear every sound you make."
This time, Saul didn't dare to nod, the room and its air and
its light were still all too unsteady to risk even such a benign
Returning to his work, Mercer's fingers grabbed gentle hold
of the two sides of Saul's shirt and slowly peeled the cotton
off of his chest, his shoulders, his arms and then his fingers.
The spent material fell to the floor with only a whisper of
The running of the tongue across Mercer's lips returned,
along with a hum of fervent appreciation.
Saul smiled at the look of increased hunger in the depths
of those beautiful brown eyes.
Mercer suddenly dropped to his knees, his face in line with
the begging shaft still hidden so far and deeply away.
Throwing his head back, Saul moaned.
But only a soft laugh fluttered briefly across Saul's fly. He
peeked down to see Mercer grinning up at him. "I'm down
here to take off your shoes."
Saul could feel the heat of embarrassment flood his face.
A not so gentle kiss was pressed suddenly to his pant
caged cock.
Saul's hands flew up and grabbed onto Mercer's shoulders
as his knees thought about buckling and his heart thought
about leaping from his chest.
Hard Wood, Soft Heart
by Chloe Stowe
Mercer's words held no condemnation, no teasing. They
were simple fact. "I want you, Saul Tidewater... in every way.
Never doubt that. I need to unwrap you slowly. I want to
taste and remember every second of this."
Gritting his teeth, refusing the inborn urge to hump his
hips and the painfully swollen cock that they carried into the
face so close, Saul groaned as he instead just nodded.
"Thank you," Mercer said just as he reached down and
undid Saul's shoes.
Saul mutely lifted his legs two times each as the boots and
the socks disappeared to the side. The rug was warm and soft
against the soles of Saul's feet. He wiggled his toes in the
piles of cream colored carpet, relishing the new feel.
Mercer stood up, his gaze no longer soft but hard and
wanting. "I want to watch your eyes as I make you naked."
A twitch of fire shot through Saul's cock, making it weep
into his briefs. Saul closed his eyes and prayed not to come
like a pubescent boy in his pants.
Mercer quickly dispensed of that concern as he again found
his knees and his teeth found Saul's fly. Tooth by tooth the
zipper was split open. Saul's cotton clad dick popped out with
Mercer dropped a kiss on its risen but still smothered tip.
Saul grabbed on to Mercer's hair to hold on to his balance.
Equilibrium was not helped as Mercer's fingers slipped in
between waistband and skin. The touch didn't linger however
as his hands swiftly divested the underwear from his hips.
With his hand still on the steadying head, Saul stepped
obediently out of his briefs.
Hard Wood, Soft Heart
by Chloe Stowe
The feel of the cold air on his swollen penis did wondrously
maddening things to the rest of his body.
There wasn't time to catalogue them though.
Mercer was leading him to the bed.
Saul went willingly.
"Lay down on your stomach," Mercer instructed gently.
Saul obeyed.
"Now, spread your legs wide. I want to see your hole."
Saul bit down on the pillow under his head but did as he
was told.
The bed dipped. Weight and skin settled on the back of
Saul's thighs. He could feel Mercer reaching over to the
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