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back before you know it.
Thank you. She took her former thought back. She didn t want to kiss Trey, she wanted to go
onto her knees and worship him.
Remember that, he whispered in her head. I m still pissed at you for blocking me earlier.
You ve got a lot to make up for.
And I will, gladly. If submitting and begging him to forgive her was what it took, she was
totally on board. I m not wrong. Aldon has been playing cat and mouse. You knew him once upon
a time. You used to talk to him. Remember when you went to him for help with Shepherds? He
didn t turn you away, did he? He agreed to help.
She s right. The thought wasn t meant for her but she caught it. He asked for compensation. That
was it.
Let them go to him. Ava s request was muffled by Diskant s back. I m not leaving my home.
I m staying right here.
We have to deal with the Shepherds first. Nathan would want that.
I agree, Ava murmured. But we have to deal with Aldon.
The sooner the better, Sadie said. The longer Nathan stays at the mercy of The Fallen the less
of a soul he ll return with. To spare Leigh added stress, she didn t mention the dark vampires had
probably taken several pieces out of Nathan already.
Jonathan and Jay are safe. I just need to get inside& Ava paused, studying Diskant as though
reading his mind. I need to get into Anthony s head. Then we ll know what to expect. Once I have
pictures, names and faces from him we can protect our home and get Nathan back.
Ava& Diskant turned and faced his mate. His hands were gentle when they cupped her face.
Don t do this to me.
We promised to do all we can for her. Ava took Diskant s hands and put them on her protruding
stomach. If Sadie s right and Aldon s on our side we ll be stronger.
I can t believe we re having this conversation. Despite the rumble in his voice Diskant softened
toward the only woman meant for him. Don t you remember what happened with Aldon Frost? His
disdain at saying the name was obvious. Do you even care?
Of course I care. Leaning forward, she kissed his chest. But I m certain of this. If I thought I d
put the baby in danger I d be in the car with you right now. Lifting her head, she peered up. Why
don t we take a few minutes and talk this over? We can meet back with everyone in thirty minutes. By
then I ll have convinced you.
Sadie scented Diskant s immediate arousal. Don t bribe me.
It s not a bribe. Going onto her toes, she swept her lips over his jaw. Let s go somewhere
private for a few minutes. Or would you rather me, her hand drifted down and stopped directly over
the growing bulge in his pants, persuade you right here in front of everyone?
You re killing me, he grumbled, his anger ebbing away.
Not yet, I m not. Ava grinned and pulled him down for a fast peck on the mouth. He growled
and she stroked his face, glancing around the room. Take five. I need to have a serious discussion
with this guy. We ll decide what to do and where to go from there.
Sadie yelped when Trey swept her from her feet.
His lips brushed her ear, his threat harsh. I m going to give you hell for what you did. You ll
never, ever, block me out of your head again.
She d done it for his own good and she didn t regret it.
Please, she found herself hissing, You have to understand.
Oh I understand, he murmured in the shell of her ear. I told you the rules. You knew what I d
do. It s time to pay, darlin . Time s up.
Then she knew she was in trouble.
Trey moved fast, taking his mate down the hall.
When she d blocked him out of her head his heart had nearly burst from his chest. He d known
then despite Diskant s warning something was very wrong. As he d driven to the compound he d
kept reaching out yet she never responded. Her ability to keep him out of her mind had confounded
More than that, it had pissed him the hell off.
He didn t bother taking her to their bedroom. Instead he chose the first door they came to and
ushered her inside. I m close to losing it right now, he growled, wanting to make his position
known, his wolf determined to dominate its female and remind her of her place. Placing a hand on her
shoulder, he turned her around and pressed her to the closest wall.
You have no idea how pissed I feel right now. You will never do that to me again. Keeping him
apart, worrying him to death. Never, Sadie.
I m sorry, I didn t have any other choice. She didn t look at him, gazing down. I knew you d
freak out and come back. I knew where you were and I didn t want you to get hurt.
If something happens to you I will die, he reminded her, uncaring of the harshness in the words.
I can t live without you. You know that.
She exhaled softly, keeping her head bowed. I know. I was focused on everything that was going
on. I knew you d feel my anxiety. I had to face Aldon without any distractions. I didn t know what
he d do.
Didn t you feel me trying to reach out to you?
No. I knew you d listen in, she confessed. So I started shielding my mind as soon as Aldon
Son of a fucking bitch. A growl crept from him. I should bust your fucking ass.
I fully expect you to. Actually, she expected he d do far more than give her a harsh spanking. I
told you I m sorry and I mean it. You have to understand how it feels to worry about someone you
love. I didn t want anything to happen to you.
I understand exactly how it feels, which is why I m so fucking angry right now.
There was no wriggle room. He was ticked and she didn t blame him. You can do whatever you
want to prove your point after we end this. It s important that you know what we re dealing with.
The Ordained?
At least he appeared calmer. Yes. They re more powerful than most supernatural creatures. In
fact some think they re a myth. I had my doubts, to be honest. Until tonight.
You sure Aldon is one of them? Doubt lingered in the question. It doesn t seem possible. The
bastard tried to kill too many people. Cupping her chin, he forced her to meet his infuriated gaze.
Your coven sent you to kill him. You tried to kill him. Let that sink in. You need to realize what
you re about to risk on a hunch.
She d seen what The Fallen could do. It had opened her eyes.
The more I think about it the more certain I am.
The first time she d engaged Aldon she d been weak as a newborn. Since Trey was the only
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