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- Dale Goldhawk Getting What You Deserve The Adventures of Goldhawk Fights Back (pdf)
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- Chloe Stowe Hard Wood, Soft Heart [Ravenous MM] (pdf)
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Acquanetta s hands fell away and Rina
staggered back as her mind buzzed with the input
of persuasion. Her head burned, then slowly
cooled, and she swore she heard a cry of
frustration from somewhere deep inside her, as if
some part of her was struggling to not be
suppressed. When she was again able to open her
eyes and focus, she saw Rive had an arm around
Acquanetta who, although pale, smiled when Rina
looked at her.
How do you feel? Acquanetta asked, quite
Fine now, but wow that was intense. I hope
we don t have to do it again. How long do you
think it will last?
I don t know.
Long enough I hope, Rive said harshly.
Wet Glamour
Chapter Three
hey made quite the procession, hurrying down
Tthe street. Three beautiful women, one with
flaming red hair one with pitch black hair and one
with golden brown hair, all dressed in tiny sun
dresses and all with glimmering reflective silver
eyes an oversight caused by the quick departure.
Normally they would have put on contacts to
cover their color, especially at night. They
reflected the light and it was eerie to look at, if you
were human.
A few catcalls and bold come-ons were quickly
deflected with their otherworldly and withering
They seemed innocent and harmless,
defenseless even with their sweet faces and high
singsong voices. But something about their silver
shinning eyes glaring at a man made him rethink
this seemingly easy conquest. They were in no
mood to be flirtatious. They were women on a
Courtney Breazile
mission and anyone who even thought about
getting in their way was quickly discouraged.
Rina s determination faded the closer they came
to Lucas s hotel. As they crossed to the street
where Lucas s hotel stood, nerves knotted in her
belly. Why am I so nervous? This is ridiculous. I am in
complete control here. She knew she should feel love
for him, knew there was a love song she had sung
for him, but couldn t quite remember it. It was as
if she were trying to remember the hazy details of
a dream. The memory of it was there, but none of
the emotion to make it real. It was a strangely
empty memory, missing the most vital piece, the
feeling behind it.
I feel free, and even a little interested in the cute
Rastafarian playing music on the corner. Rina
batted her eyes at him and gave him a finger
wave. He stepped up the tempo of his music a bit
as she swayed her hips by and blew a kiss over
her shoulder. If he wasn t human, I would be
coming back for him later. Yum, she said with a
Both girls turned and looked at her with
shocked expressions.
What? she asked innocently.
Nothing, it s just that, well&
You haven t been with anyone in years, not
since Mr. Wonderful left you, Rive finished for
Acquanetta who was trying to be delicate.
Wet Glamour
Yeah, I guess I kind of realize& Rina let her
mind wander to the possibilities of this
persuasion. Being able to be with Lucas without
attachment, satisfy her body with his like she had
so many times in their short affair. She had to
shake that thought away, it would never work,
she knew. I suppose that s why I m so horny.
Their tinkling laughter floated down the street
as they continued on, all a bit lighter of spirit.
When they arrived at the hotel, they strode in,
confidant and smiling. The boy behind the desk
didn t stand a chance against their charm.
Rina took the lead. She placed her hands on the
boy s side of the desk and leaned forward. Could
you pass us through to room 206 please? She
didn t even have to use persuasion on the
bumbling boy, he was all too eager to please.
His gaze was locked onto her revealed skin as
he waved them through with a stuttered, Yes,
ma am.
That was almost too easy to be fun, Rina
complained as they stepped into the elevator.
Hold that, a voice called as the doors started
to slide closed.
Acquanetta reached out and hit the button to
open the doors. A couple in their seventies came
to a halt in front of the elevator.
The husband eyed the three women with an
appreciative glance and started to step in. The
Courtney Breazile
wife pulled her husband s arm back and stood
stiff. It looks a bit crowded. We ll wait for the
next one.
It looks fine to me, dear, the man said as his
gaze blatantly roamed over the three.
He was rewarded with a whack on the arm as
the elevator doors slid shut once again. With the
doors shut, all distraction was gone and Rina s gut
tightened. She was about to face Lucas, and
although she didn t feel anything for him right
now, what would happen when they came face to
face? Can I look at his pale sparkling face and into his
beautiful swirling brown eyes and not feel all the same
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