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left of the chips and the jars of dip.
You want any more beer?
* * *
No, thanks. I m good. Much as he disliked acknowledging
the fact, Al knew he was the one in the wrong. Instead of going
along with Missy s stupid plan he should have listened to Nick
and seen it for the clever con he now knew it to be. As it was, he d
screwed up royally. Even more important, he d treated Nick like an
afterthought, and he felt bad about that. Still, after not seeing one
another in so long, and especially after the way they d gotten it on
at the soda shop, he d thought Nick had forgiven him. That he and
Nick would have been fucking their brains out the moment they
got here to Nick s place. Instead, here they were, talking about
taking a walk and going out sightseeing like a couple of old ladies
on one of those package holiday deals.
Al picked up a chip that had fallen on the floor and added it to
the tray. Nick had always been the cautious one, the one who
always had to check things out from every angle and read the fine
print. As a lawyer, Al knew he should do the same and, for his
clients, he did all that and more he checked every last comma,
every period, and if there was a loophole, he always found it. Still,
he didn t see why Nick felt it necessary to think so hard about a
simple request to return home, or bother with any of the other
precautions he seemed so hell-bent on taking. Okay, there was a
small catch to his request, one he couldn t go into right now, but
one Nick was bound to understand and sympathize with, given
time. He needed Nick. Without Nick, he was just so damn lonely.
Of course, there was always a chance Nick hadn t forgiven him
for marrying Missy and was just pretending he had. In which case,
give him too much time to think and Nick would start finding
reasons why it wouldn t work out or whatever, and Al wasn t in
the mood to argue. He wanted Nick to concentrate on other, more
important things, like wanting, needing and getting it on the way
they used to. He wanted Nick aroused and right on the edge
because that way Nick would be more likely to give in and come
back home.
Of course, Nick didn t yet have the whole picture, so, in a way,
Al knew he d be taking advantage, but so what? He didn t dare
give Nick chapter and verse on what he d really gotten himself
into, not until Nick came home and Al had a chance to explain
things to him properly. Anyway, Nick wasn t so perfect either. He
could be pretty slick and underhanded when it suited him, like the
way he d just up and vanished down here without a word. All he
knew for sure was that he and Nick had too long a history together
for him to give up without a fight.
Nick picked up the tray and headed toward the kitchen, and Al
followed. As Nick dropped the empty beer cans into the recycling
bin, Al wrapped his arms around him from behind and began
nuzzling his neck.
I love you so damn much, babe, Al whispered in his ear.
Don t shut me out. I need you so much it hurts. Sliding a hand
under Nick s shirt, he felt encouraged by the way Nick s body
reacted as he pinched the flat nipples and tugged on the soft
sprinkling of chest hair. Lowering his hand, he undid Nick s pants
and stroked his belly, careful not to touch his cock. You wouldn t
deny me a quickie, would you? Al pleaded softly. Please, babe?
And then we ll go do whatever you want. Okay?
What kind of quickie? Nick asked.
The kind you like the best. The one that requires a bottle of
lube and a couple of condoms. As he spoke, Al let his hand brush
briefly against Nick s cock. He wanted to hold it, stroke it, squeeze
it, and milk it dry, but he avoided temptation by quickly
withdrawing his hand and caressing Nick s ass cheeks instead.
Nick had never much liked dragging things out, but if he could
keep Nick hanging on the edge just long enough to get him to
agree to what Al wanted, what Al knew would eventually work out
to be one hundred per cent right for them both, it would be so
worth the effort. You have some lube?
In the bathroom. Nick groaned as Al deliberately made his
caresses a little more insistent. Condoms are there, too. You want
me to go get them?
Al laughed softly and used his tongue to rim the outer edge of
Nick s ear. Sex in the kitchen might be different, but it doesn t
sound overly comfortable. So why don t we pick them up on the
way to the bedroom.
Nick made a sound halfway between another groan and a sigh.
I thought this was supposed to be a quickie. If we take it in there,
we ll never get out of here.
It was Al s turn to sigh and he did so with pleasure as he
pushed Nick s pants down around his knees. I know, babe. It s
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