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something but was too shy. The other bandmates looked to be standard rocker types,
good-looking in a scruffy underfed way. Other than Sam, they were all wearing dark
clothes and capes and all but one was sporting fangs.
Yeah, anytime, Torc said. You ready? I ll run out and introduce you.
Just show me where the cookies are and Holly and I will take them to the bar,
Claudia said.
Torc pointed to the left. They re in the far storeroom. The case is open. You can t
miss them.
Brandi felt her arm slip away from Cherokee s back as he slid into the shadows
behind her. Torc moved past them and through the curtains to Dylan s right. The band
lined up at the curtain so they could enter as soon as they were introduced.
Maybe she d get some alone time with her lovers after all, Brandi thought. The
three of them waited quietly as Torc announced Rotten Tomatoes. If he went off the
stage to the bar instead of coming backstage they d be alone.
The band stepped through the curtain to loud applause and calls. They appeared to
have quite a following for a part-time garage band.
Cherokee s Playmates
C mon. Dylan squeezed Brandi s hand and tugged toward the door the band had
exited from. Cherokee followed.
The room had stained white walls, a concrete floor and a long sofa. A table covered
with hair spray and water bottles was in front of a large mirror and a couple of plastic
and metal fold-up chairs were splayed at angles by the table.
It has possibilities, Dylan said, folding his arms across his chest and surveying
the room.
Do you know Torc? Brandi asked, glancing at Cherokee.
No, he said softly. But I ve heard of him, I think.
Anything bad?
Cherokee shrugged. I m sure he s an honest club owner but I had no idea someone
like him was here.
Is he from North Carolina? Brandi said, meaning it to be a joke.
No, he said. Not from there.
We might not have much time, Dylan said, interrupting them. My sister might
come looking for us.
What did you have in mind? Brandi teased.
Before Dylan could speak, Cherokee wrapped his arm around her waist and
pushed her over the tall arm of the sofa. Her shoulders fell back to rest on a cushion.
Her mouth dropped open as he pushed her skirt up over her head. She couldn t see
but she certainly could feel.
Cherokee kneed her legs apart. She heard zippers unzipping, wrappers
unwrapping and then a finger probing her pussy.
Wet, he said, obviously pleased.
Yeah, Brandi sighed. I couldn t wait to be alone with you guys. It s been like,
Anh Leod
The sofa bounced and her skirt was pushed out of her eyes. Dylan put his hands on
the sides of her face and kissed her. He tasted like the rich pumpkin ale he d been
Cherokee s sheathed cock pushed against her entrance, then unceremoniously
thrust inside her. Brandi s mouth dropped open again and Dylan thrust his tongue
inside. She tried to wrap her arms around him but the position was too awkward so she
grabbed the back of the sofa with one hand to steady herself and dropped the other to
the nubby edge of the cushion.
Dylan, still kissing her, got on his knees. Her hearing was increasingly muffled but
she thought she heard fabric rustling.
No zipper, he gasped, moving back an inch from her lips to get some air in his
She tried to help him push down his hose but it was hard to balance with
Cherokee s cock working in and out of her, pressing her against the sofa arm.
Concentration was impossible anyway, with her clit being rubbed against his massive
Eventually, Dylan s cock sprang free from his hose. She tilted her neck and opened
her mouth, eager to receive it and give him the same pleasure she and Cherokee were
sharing. He filled her mouth with his thickness and her nostrils with his musky scent.
She couldn t think anymore, she was just sex, glorious sex. Her hands moved from
the safety of the sofa to grasp Dylan s butt, using him as her anchor even as he slid in
and out of her mouth. She heard both of her men gasping with pleasure and she was
giving it to both of them. The sensation was heady and she never wanted it to stop.
Impossibly, Cherokee seemed to lengthen, to hit even more of her channel as he
moved in and out of her. His hands stroked her thighs, her hips, anywhere he could
reach. She felt him grinding his pelvis against her, felt his sac slapping at her entrance
as he pressed inside.
Cherokee s Playmates
Her clit felt impossibly huge, accepting all the sensations that friction offered. She
knew she was close and she had to bring her men with her. Her nails dug into Dylan s
butt, pulling him even deeper into her mouth. She quickened her sucking, speeding up
the pace. At the same time, she pressed herself against Cherokee every time he thrust,
bringing him ever deeper into her body.
Yeah, Dylan gasped. That s it. That s right. God, you re perfect.
Brandi closed her eyes, focusing only on the dual sensations of her body. But she
couldn t, all her nerve endings seemed to be in her clit now and she couldn t stop the
pleasure from starting.
Unavoidably, her mouth opened as she came. Dylan thrust in hard, then yelled and
shot himself down her throat. Cherokee reached forward and took her breasts in his
hands, squeezing as he slammed into her. His weight pressed as he jerked with his
When Brandi s ears cleared, she heard the harsh breathing of three very satisfied
people. Damn, we re good, she mumbled, feeling drugged with pleasure.
Damn, Dylan echoed, pulling out of her mouth and twisting so he could collapse
on the sofa. If this old piece of furniture could talk.
Cherokee lifted his head and pressed Brandi s ruffle down so he could kiss her
cheek, then his weight lifted from her. He straightened his clothes then helped her up
and they both collapsed next to Dylan.
Dylan took her hand in his warm grasp.
Very satisfying, Cherokee murmured. I apologize for not giving you much
He tilted his head so his gaze met Brandi s.
She patted his knee. I m there for you, big guy.
He wrapped his arm around her and she relaxed against his shoulder.
Anh Leod
I suppose we should watch the rest of the show, Cherokee said. Claudia was
kind to invite us.
It s not like we can t hear it, Brandi said. She realized they had been in here
through at least the first four songs of the set. The music was a mix of eighties hair
metal, sixties surfer and current alternative rock.
I have to make sure Holly has a ride home too, Dylan said.
Where should we spend the night? Brandi asked. Dylan, will Holly be okay with
us staying again?
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